GNDU Postpones Exit Exams 2020; PhD Viva to be held Online

Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU) will conduct viva exams for its PhD programs across various specialisations in an online mode. Meanwhile, GNDU has also postponed all exit level exams including semester and annual systems till July 15. 


GNDU Postpones Exit Exams 2020 till July 15

GNDU has published an official notification on delayed annual and semester system theory and practical exams for exit years which also includes the Credit-Based Evaluation System until July 15, 2020.

However, the announcement was made soon after the Punjab government asked to postpone exams for exit classes of all colleges and universities.

Prof Manoj Kumar, Professor Incharge (Examinations), said, “These were earlier scheduled to be held on July 1 as per the uploaded date sheets on the university’s website.” 

Aditya Takiar, a final year B.Tech Student, GNDU said, “It’s welcomed but it doesn’t provide a solution to our concerns. The government has postponed the exams instead they could have either devised a way to conduct them online or indefinitely postpone them till the situation improves. 

Currently, the cases are on the rise and it shall continue for another month or so as predicted by several medical and health agencies.”

As postponing is a temporary step, students expected a cancellation. “It will not be a good move to cancel the exams as the results are defining for students who want to pursue higher education overseas. We want the exams to be held but in a safe way and don't raise concern over the risk of infection,” said Tarun Khanna, final year BSc student at GNDU.

Online PhD viva at GNDU

The varsity released an official notification mentioning the following improvements amid COVID-19 crisis. On this announcement, GNDU turned out to be the first-ever university in India to conduct viva examinations for PhD students online. 

However, this is not the first time that the university will be conducting an online viva examination for PhD students. Way back in November 2018, the university held 154 viva over video conferences.

This viva will be recorded as a part of the student’s records. These recorded versions will be verified by supervisors, faculty dean and head of the department. 

Due to enormous issues in logistics at this point of time, the management made such a decision. The objective was to offer degrees within the shortest time and incur lesser expenses as well. 
