DTU M. Tech. 2015 Admission Notification

DTU M. Tech. 2015 Admission:

Delhi Technological University (DTU), New Delhi invites application for M. Tech. Programme.  All the desire candidates can register and fill the application form online only from 4th May 2015 to on before 5th June 2015.

Course Type:

There are three types of M. Tech. courses at DTU.

  • Full time (FT)
  • Sponsored Full time sponsored (SFT).
  • Part time (PT)

Also Read:

DTU Courses Details Click here

DTU Courses Fee Details Click here

DTU Placement Record Click here

DTU M. Tech. Admission 2015 Important Dates:

S. No. Event Date
1 Advertisement in newspapers and Opening of website for Online Registration 07.05.2015 (Thursday) from 10:00 AM onwards
2 Last date for Online Registration and fee deposit 05.06.2015 (Monday) (12:00 midnight)
3 Schedule For Full Time Candidates
(i) Display of qualified candidates List for1st Round on DTU Website 15.6.2015 (Monday) at 5:00 pm
(ii) 1st Round admissions at DTU (Selected candidates are required to report along with original documents and bank draft for fee deposit) 22.6.2015 (Monday) at 10:00 am
(iii) Submission of Freezing Forms in the department 22.6.2015 (Monday) by 5 pm
(iv) Display of qualified candidates for 2nd Round on DTU admissions website 09.7.2015 (Thursday) at 5:00 pm
(v) 2nd Round admissions at DTU (Selected candidates are required to report along with original documents and bank draft for fee deposit) 13.7.2015 (Monday) at 10:00 am
(vi) Submission of Freezing Forms in the department 13.7.2015 (Monday) by 5PM
(vii) Display of vacant seats for spot round on DTU admissions website 27.7.2015 (Monday) at 5:00 pm
(viii) Spot round of admissions at DTU (Selected candidates are required to report along with original documents and bank draft for fee deposit) 31.7.2015 (Friday) at 10:00 am
4 Schedule For Sponsored Full Time and Part-Time Candidates
(i) Release of list of Sponsored FT/Part-Time candidates eligible for written test and schedule for written test on DTU website 15.6.2015 (Monday) at 5:00 pm)
(ii) Written Test for SFT/PT candidates 19.06.2015 11am (Friday)
(iii) Display of list of Selected and Waitlisted sponsored and part-time candidates 22.6.2015(Monday) at 5:00 pm
(iv) 1st Round of admissions of SFT/PT candidates at DTU. The selected candidates are required to complete admission formalities and deposit the fee 23.6.2015(Tuesday) at 5:00 pm
(v) Waitlisted SFT/PT candidates for admission against the vacant seats, if any 25.6.2015(Thursday)


Reservation of Seats and Relaxation:

The university follows the reservations rules of Govt. of Delhi. The given below table shows the percentage of reservations for various categories and relaxation in minimum eligibility conditions as applicable for the academic session 2015-16.

Category Seats reserved Relaxation in Essential qualification
Scheduled Castes (SC) 15% 10%
Scheduled Tribes (ST) 7.5 % 10%
Other Backward Classes (OBC) 27% 5%
Persons with Disability (PwD) 3% (Horizontal) 10%



  • The 3% reservation may be allocated as follows: 1% for persons with low vision or blindness; 1% for hearing impaired and 1% for those with locomotor disabilities and or cerebral palsy.
  • There will not be any conversion of seats from SC/ST category into general category. However if no waiting list exists for OBC category candidates on the day of spot round of counselling the unfilled OBC seats will be converted into general category seats and will be filled in the spot round

DTU M. Tech. 2015 Application Process:

  • Candidate who wants to take admission into M. Tech programmes 2015 at DTU need to register and fill the online application form on DTU official website before the last date i. e. 5th June 2015.
  • Fill the Application form with all required details
  • The application process is completed only when a print out of the filled online application form is taken after paying online registration fee of 1000/- through credit crad/debit card or net banking
  • The Candidate must bring a duly signed copy of the same along with a good quality photo affixed in the appropriate places on the form on the day of counseling.

Note: If a candidate wishes to apply for admission in a program offered by different departments then he/she will have to register separately in that department by paying separate online registration fee.

DTU M. Tech. Admission 2015 Eligibility Criteria:

The following table shows the details of the Number of GATE fellowships, eligibility conditions and qualifying degree requirements.

S. No. Department/ Program Name/ Gate Seats Qualifying GATE Subjects and Number of seats Qualifying Degree
1 Applied Chemistry
Polymer Technology(PTE) CY/CH/BT/ME/ PI/TF/XE(20) (Chemistry)/Chemical Sciences/Material science/Polymer Sciences OR B.Tech/ B.E. in CH/ PT/ Paint/ Plastic/ Rubber/ Textile/ Food/ Petroleum/ Petro chemical/ Paper & Pulp/EN/BT/Bio-Medical/ME/PE
2 Applied Physics
Nano Science & Technology (NST) PH/CY/XE (10 ) EE/EC/MT 10) B.Tech/ B.E. Degree in EE/EEE/E&CE/EP/MMS OR M.SC in Physics/Applied Physics/Nuclear Physics /Electronics/ Chemistry.
Nuclear Science & Engineering (NSE) PH/CY/XE (09) EE/EC/MT (09) B.Tech/B.E. Degree EE/EEE/ECE/EP/MMS/ME OR M.SC in Physics/Applied Physics/Nuclear Physics /Electronics/ Chemistry.
3 Bio Technology
Bioinformatics (BIO) BT/XL(20) B.Tech/B.E Degree in BT/Life Sciences/Bio-Informatics/M. Sc. in Biotechnology /Allied Life Sciences.
Biomedical Engineering(BME) BT/XL-(12) EE/EC/PH/CY/ XE/MT/CS-(06) B.Tech/B.E Degree in BT/BM/EE/EC/MT/CS OR M. Sc in Bio-Medical Engineering, Biophysics, Bio-Chemistry, Biotechnology, or M. Pharma /B. Pharma
Industrial Bio technology (IBT) BT/XL(19)
  1. Tech/ B.E Degree in BT/BC/CH/Food Bio-Technology/ Agricultue Engineering OR B. Pharma/ M. Pharma/M. Sc in Agriculture/ Food Technology/Biological Sciences.
4 Civil Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering (GTE) CE( 20)
  1. Tech./B.E. Degree in CE



Hydraulics & Water Resources Engineering(HRE) CE( 19)
Structural Engineering(STE) CE( 20)
5 Computer Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) CS(20) B.Tech./B.E. Degree in CS / SE / IT /MC/ E&CE / EEE or M.C.A /M. Sc (CS/IT) (with Mathematics at B.Sc./B.C.A level). 


Software Engineering (SWE) CS(20)
Information System (ISY) CS(20)
6 Electronics & Communications Engineering
Microwave and Optical Communication (MOC) EC/PH (20) B.E./B.Tech. Examination in E&CE/EP/M.Sc. Electronics/M. Sc. In Physics with Electronics/Radio Physics/Solid State Physics.
Signal Processing & Digital Design (SPD) EC(20) B.E./B.Tech Examination in E&CE 
VLSI Design and Embedded System (VLS) EC(20)
7 Electrical Engineering  
Control & Instrumentation (C&I) EE/EC/IN(20)
  1. Tech./B.E. Examination in EE/EEE/E&CE C&I
Power System (PSY) EE (20)
  1. Tech./B.E. Examination in EE / EEE
8 Environment Engineering  
Environmental Engineering (ENE) CE(20) B.Tech./B.E. Examination in EN /CE
9 Mechanical Engineering
Computational Design (CDN) ME/AE/PI(18)
  1. Tech/B. E in ME / PE/ Industrial/ AE/ Manufacturing Science/ Welding Technology/ Aerospace Engineering/ Aeronautical Science
Production Engineering (PIE) ME/PI(20)
  1. Tech/B. E in ME/PE/Industrial / Manufacturing Science/ Welding Technology/Automation Engineering.
Renewable Energy Technology (RET) Any Discipline(18)
  1. Tech/B. E in any branch of engineering/ M.Sc.inPhysics/Chemistry/Electronics/ Biotechnology/Environmental science
Thermal Engineering (THE) ME/PI(20)
  1. Tech/B. E in ME/PE/AE/ Manufacturing Science /Automation Engineering


DTU M. Tech. 2015 Admission Process:

First round of admission

(a) The list of selected candidates will be displayed for first round of admissions along with first round admission schedule on the university website www.dtuadmissions.nic.in and department notice boards. In case some seats remain unfilled second round of counselling may be conducted.

(b) The selected candidates in every round of admission shall deposit the requisite fees as per the given schedule in the Account Section of DTU through DD in the favour of the Registrar, Delhi Technological University, payable at Delhi and submit Fee Receipt back to the Department. Admission shall not be valid without payment of fee and submitting the fee receipt to the department.

(c) The candidates shall have to produce the required documents for verification. If a candidate fails to report for admission on the scheduled date OR he/she is not able to submit the required documents or fees, he/she shall forfeit his/her claim for admission and the seat shall be offered to the next eligible candidate in the order of merit. Further, the candidate will not be eligible for subsequent rounds. A candidate can send his authorized representative with all the required documents and fee to report for admission in case he is unable to report for admission in person. The authorized representative must come with the duly signed authorization letter.

(d) The candidates may freeze their admission in a particular M. Tech program by filling up a freezing form and submitting the same in the department concerned as per the schedule displayed on the admission website. All such candidates who have freezed their admission in a particular program will not be considered for automatic up gradation in other programs.

(e) If a candidate is upgraded to another program which is offered by a different department then he will have to take an NOC from the parent department and deposit the original fee receipt along with the other documents in the new department. He will not have to deposit fresh Fee for the admission in the new department.

Second / subsequent round of admission (Subject to availability of seats)


(a) A list of seats available for admission during second/spot round of admission will be displayed on the DTU admission website as per the schedule given.

(b) The Second/ subsequent Rounds for all the programmes will be held at the same venue i.e. respective department. No separate communication will be sent in this regard.

(c) No admission will be made directly to second or higher semester of any Program.

Documents Required at the time of Counselling:

The candidates should report at the venue given by departments on the specified date and time for admission rounds in person (or through an authorized representative) along with the following original documents and one set of self-attested photocopies and demand draft for the annual fee made in the favour of Registrar, Delhi Technological University, payable at Delhi.

  • All mark sheets and Certificate of qualifying examination (Graduation).
  • SC/ST/OBC/Physically Handicapped Certificate(s) whichever applicable, on the basis of which reservation is claimed.
  • OBC candidates must produce necessary financial document to support their category.
  • GATE Score Card (Original)/Authentic GRE score for NRI/FN/PIO, for full time candidates.
  • Experience Certificate (Original), for part time and full time sponsored candidates.
  • A clear No objection Certificate (without qualifying conditions) for Part-time sponsored candidates.
  • Sponsorship certificate in the specified format by Full-time sponsored candidates.


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