Anna University has invited applications for the admission for first year B.E/B. Tech degree courses to university department/colleges and other government and government aided colleges and self-financed Engineering Colleges through Tamil Nadu Engineering Admission (TNEA 2015).
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TNEA — 2015 Important Dates:
Events | Dates |
Issue of notification for application for admission to B.E/B. Tech | 4th May 2015 |
Issue of Application Forms | 6th May 2015 |
Last Date for Issue of Application Forms other than Centre for Entrance Exams and Admissions, Anna University, Chennai | 27th May 2015 |
Last date for issue of Application forms | 29th May 2015 |
Last date for Submission of filled-in Applications | 29th May 2015 |
Eligibility Criteria for TNEA 2015:
Candidates applying for the exam are eligible to apply if they satisfy the criteria given below at the time of submission of application form
- Candidates of Tamil Nadu who have passed VIII, IX, X, XI and XII std. in Tamil Nadu are eligible
- Children of Central Government Employees can also apply for the admission, irrespective of their nativity, provided their parents or guardians (only if both parents are not alive) have been serving in Tamil Nadu continuously for the past five years at the time of submission of application, which should be supported by enclosing a certificate from the employer of the parent or guardian, to that effect for Issue of Application Forms other than Centre for Entrance Exams and Admissions, Anna University, Chennai
- Sons and daughters of All India Service Tamil Nadu Cadre Officer otherwise not native of Tamil Nadu are eligible
- Children of Employees in public sector of Government recognized Institutions who at the time of submission of application for admission employed in Tamil Nadu continuously for the past five years may also apply irrespective of their domicile
- A certificate from the employer has to be enclosed along with the application stating that the person is a Permanent Employee of the Firm or Institution concerned with evidence like Income Tax return, PF Slips, etc. and is working in Tamil Nadu continuously for the past FIVE YEARS
- Candidates who have passed VIII, IX, X, XI and XII std. outside Tamil Nadu are eligible
TNEA 2015 Qualifying Examination & Eligibility:
A pass in Hsc (Academic) or its equivalent with a minimum average percentage in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry put together as given below:
Category | Percentage |
General Category | 50% |
BC | 45% |
MBC & DNC | 40% |
SC/SCA/ST | 40% |
Vocational Subject:
A pass in any one of the HSC (Vocational Subject) as given below with any one of the Engineering related subjects namely Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry with a minimum average percentage put together as given below:
Category | Percentage |
General Category | 50% |
BC | 45% |
MBC & DNC | 40% |
SC/SCA/ST | 40% |
TNEA 2015 Selection Procedure:
Admission to General Category: The selection of candidates will be based on the marks obtained in the prescribed subjects reduced to 200 (Mathematics -100, Physics + Chemistry – 100) in the qualifying examination
Normalization of Marks and Inter-se Merit: As per Tamil Nadu the marks obtained by the students in the relevant subjects in the qualifying exam conducted by various Boards or Authority shall be equated with the marks obtained by the students in the same subjects in the qualifying exam conducted by the State Board of Tamil Nadu by adopting the method of normalization
- If the highest mark secured by the student of State Board of Tamil Nadu in Physics is 100 and the highest mark secured by a student of any other Board in the same subject are 90 both the highest marks will be considered to be equal to 100
- If a student of the other Board secures 60 marks in Physics when the first mark in Physics in the same Board is 90, 60 marks will be considered to be equal to 66.66 marks
- In the case of candidates who have qualified from National Boards such as CBSE, ISCE etc. the highest mark obtained in the relevant subject by the candidates at the National Level alone will be taken into consideration for normalization
- A merit list will be prepared based on the total mark of 200
- The overall rank and Community wise rank lists will be published in Anna University website Separate announcement will not be given in Newspapers.
Admission of Vocational Stream Candidates: 100 seats in Category I and 4% of seats surrendered in Category II have been set apart vide G.O. (Ms.) No. 290 HE (J2) Dept. dt: 21.08.2007 for the HSC (vocational stream) candidates
The academic marks in the prescribed subjects will be reduced to 200 (Related subject 100 marks, vocational subject including theory and practical 100 marks)
Admission to Sandwich Courses: Sandwich courses in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Production Engineering are offered at PSG College of Technology under self-financing scheme
Application Form TNEA 2015:
Candidates can obtain the application form in person from 60 centers detailed in Anna University by paying Rs. 500(Rs.250/- for SC/ST/SCACA/ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu, on production of a photocopy of the Permanent Community Card or electronic form / digitally signed e-Certificate) towards application fee, by cash/demand draft
By Post:
Application Forms can also be obtained by post from “The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions (TNEA), Anna University, Chennai-600025″ by sending a requisition letter along with a Demand Draft for Rs.700/- (Rs.450/- for SC/SCA/ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu with a photocopy of the Permanent Community Card or electronic form / digitally signed e-Certificate) and an address label written in capital letters to which the application form is to be mailed
Through Website:
The candidates can also register through internet by logging on to; the procedure for registration is available in the website
All Demand Drafts should be drawn in favor of "The Secretary, Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions" payable at Chennai, drawn on any Nationalized Bank dated on or after 05th May 2015
Candidates are instructed to write the name and address on the reverse side of the Demand Draft
For further details, visit Anna University, Chennai website or Contact: 044-2235, 8265, 2235