University of Kerala is one of the oldest universities of south India. Kerala university offers 51 distance education courses including distance education MBA. Medium of instruction for all the courses is English except for certain courses.
Kerala University offers 2 years distance education MBA through its 28 study centers in India. The University offers various specializations like Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Systems, which student can choose as per his desire.
Kerala University Distance Education MBA Admission Procedure
The students can visit the official website for the information regarding the admission. Students can also apply for the online admission through official website
Admission to the MBA programme through IDE is made on the basis of an Entrance Test to be conducted by the Institute of Management in Kerala each year and the final selection list is prepared by giving 50% weightage for the marks secured by the candidate in the qualifying examinations and 50% weightage for the Entrance Test
Application fees
The students have to submit the application fees and prospectus fees of Rs 250/ and entrance fees of Rs. 200/
Admission Notifications
The students can get the admission notifications in the month of May-June published in the major newspapers
Mode of Remittance
Fees shall be remitted by Demand Drafts drawn from any SBT/District Co-operative banks in terms of finance officer, university of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram from SBI in favor of the Finance Officer, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram payable at Thiruvananthapuram.
Students residing outside Kerala can draw their Demand Draft rom SBI in favor of The Finance Officer, University of Kerala, and Thiruvananthapuram payable at Thiruvananthapuram. Overseas students can draw their DDs from any nationalized banks in favor of The Finance Officer, University of Kerala, and Thiruvananthapuram payable at Thiruvananthapuram. For every remittance by DD a service charge of Rs 10/- also has to be remitted. Some payments related to certain courses are also to be made by way of Bank DD and in favor of the Heads of concerned Departments/ centers as specified in the fee statement(Statement of Fee Available from downloads link of
Kerala University Distance Education MBA Eligibility
The candidate should possess a Bachelor's Degree in any discipline with 50% marks (reduction of 3% marks for working personnel for every one year of completed service, subject to a maximum of 10% marks) and an aptitude test.