Kerala University M.Tech. Results 2015

Kerala University offers various postgraduate degree programs. Master of Technology (M. Tech) is one of them. M. Tech from Kerala University is done through the colleges affiliated with Kerala University. Kerala University conducts the exam and declares the result for all the courses of all affiliated colleges.

Kerala University M.Tech. Results 2015

Kerala University M.Tech. results are declared on University website. Results are declared semester wise so there is no particular date for M. Tech results. Although there are tentative dates like M. Tech final semester exams were conducted in August 2014 and results were declared in December. All the results are uploaded on university website in the form of provisional list of successful candidates. Students can check their results by visiting university website. Following are simple steps to check result

  1. Go to the student login page on website
  2. Choose your course and specialization
  3. Fill password and candidate code
  4. Sign in and check the result

Kerala University M.Tech. result analysis

Following is the analysis of some of specializations of Kerala University M. Tech Final semester results 2014:

Specialization Total Registered Students Appeared In Exam Passed Pass %
Communication Systems 17 17 13 76.47
– Information Security 16 16 16 100
Power Control and Drives 15 15 15 100
Structural Engineering 50 48 35 72.92
Geo-Technical Engineering 17 17 16 94.12
Hydraulics Engineering 18 18 13 72.22
Traffic and Transportation Engineering 17 17 16 94.12
Computer Science & Engineering 163 163 127 77.91
Applied Electronics and Instrumentation 71 68 53 77.94
Machine Design 64 63 53 84.13
Signal Processing 95 95 89 93.68
Supplementary 2 2 1 50



  • Mark Sheet of the students is issued on respective centers within ten days of declaration of results. After that students can apply for reevaluation/scrutiny
  • Candidates can make use of draft mark available on university for applying scrutiny.


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