Kerala University B.Com Result 2015

Kerala University is a one of the first sixteen universities of India. Kerala University has 41 departments and 16 faculties. Kerala University is accredited by NAAC with B++ grade. Bachelor of commerce, also known as B.Com is a three year undergraduate degree. Kerala University offers B.Com in Computer Application, Commerce & Tax Procedure and Practice, Commerce & Tourism and Travel Management, Commerce & Hotel Management and Catering.

Kerala University B.Com 2015 Results:

Kerala University exam results 2015 will be declared on official website of Kerala university. Kerala University is conduct exam twice a year for two semesters. The appearing students can check their results semester wise after given exam. There are given some simple steps to check Kerala University 2015 results:

  • Visit official website of Kerala University
  • Find link to check result
  • Choose a course
  • Fill all required details like registration or roll number, date of birth etc.
  • Click on submit button
  • Take a printout of Kerala University results

Note: The students can check Kerala University B.Com previous year's results, marks and semester score on official website of Kerala University

Kerala University B.Com Results declaration Dates

Semester Exam Session Declaration Date
First Semester January First week of December
Second Semester June First week of June
Third Semester January Third week of September
Fourth Semester June Third week of February
Fifth Semester January Fourth week of March
Sixth Semester June Between Last week of June and First week of July


Kerala University B.Com Results 2014

Kerala University is conducted B.Com exam semester wise twice a year in January for odd semester and June for even semesters. There are given below Kerala University results analysis of B.Com 2014 regular exams.

B.Com First Semester results 2014

Name of Examination Total Registered Total Appeared Total Pass % Pass Commerce with Computer application Degree Examination January 2014 1137 1130 321 26.28 Commerce & Tax Procedure and Practice Degree Examination January 2014 300 293 153 52.22 Commerce & Tourism and Travel Management Degree Examination January 2014 238 237 54 22.78


B.Com Third Semester results 2014

Name of Examination Total Registered Total Appeared Total Pass % Pass Commerce with Computer application Degree Examination January 2014 1027 1010 867 85.84 Commerce & Tax Procedure and Practice Degree Examination January 2014 135 129 110 85.27 Commerce & Tourism and Travel Management Degree Examination January 2014 231 226 152 67.26


B.Com Fourth Semester results 2014

Name of Examination Total Registered Total Appeared Total Pass % Pass Commerce with Computer application Degree Examination June 2014 990 970 825 85.05 Commerce & Tax Procedure and Practice Degree Examination June 2014 113 113 107 94.69 Commerce & Tourism and Travel Management Degree Examination June 2014 186 183 152 83.06


B.Com Fifth Semester results 2014

Name of Examination Total Registered Total Appeared Total Pass % Pass Commerce with Computer application Degree Examination January 2014 901 897 850 94.76 Commerce & Tax Procedure and Practice Degree Examination January 2014 107 107 102 95.33 Commerce & Tourism and Travel Management Degree Examination January 2014 186 184 149 80.98


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