7 Things to do when you’re Bored of Studying Online

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Rituparna Nath Content Writer at Study Abroad Exams

Content Writer at Study Abroad Exams

The world is a dynamic environment where changes occur continuously. During the course of the change both positive and negative things happen. The negative things happen in the form of catastrophes and dreadful diseases. One of these threats is that of the Coronavirus. The tiny germ has kept us quarantined and isolated from the entire world.
Life is a vivid mixture of domestic, college, and personal life. The pandemic has destroyed this balance and pushed the young generation into the four walls of their homes. Life has moved away from the enjoyable social structure to a situation of utter boredom. The free birds are now chained to home restrictions and online learning, without a chance to relax and refresh on college campuses with their friends.
Online studies are worrisome unless they are fused with colorful illustrations, slideshows, educational videos, vlogs, and discussion forums. It is not the end, but a part of the whole. Judicious utilization of time in the restricted space will create wonders if you try to become a complete person, rather than just a bookworm.

Certain Things one can Do when Bored

So, here are 7 things that students can find a way to keep themselves from getting bored online.

  1. Book Reading

Turning eyes away from the screen to paper. Try Reading books to entertainment and motivation. Some of the books that enrich life are How to Win Friend and Influence People, Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life, As a Man Thinketh, The Rudest Book Ever, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Think and Grow Rich, See you at the top, Thinking Fast and Slow, The Alchemist, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny, and The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life. Exploring a lot of stuff to make a person busy and not getting bored.
Read all sorts of books. The genres of books can be action and adventure, classics, comics, detective novels, graphics, fantasies, horror, history, or literature. The habit of reading is good, not as an addiction, but as a means to enrich oneself.

  1. Learning Creative Things

It would be better to be multi-skilled rather than have a monotonous personality. Besides academics, a lot of things are there to learn in this world. At home itself, people can learn a number of creative skills of their own interest. The universal library of literature and demos is there on the net. One can learn and practice things like blogging, crafting, designing, knitting, painting, and video making. Who knows these creative deeds may make us popular one day? The best profession is the one that emanates from our interests, rather than forced by others.

  1. Turn Unimaginative to an Artistic Person

As much as one focus on the things in books and ranther deeds of others, then only one can become productive and a lot more imaginative. Closing eyes to concentrate and open your mind to find hidden artistic talents in you. Try any one or a couple of things like drawing, writing, painting, or sculpturing from past memories and imagination. Become imaginative and pull your life out of boredom. It is a means of relief from bondage, depression, and stress. It gives a feeling of confidence and accomplishment. It may become your primary or secondary source of income also.

  1. Plan for Future

You can turn your free time into creative thinking, analyzing, and making plans. You can prepare a list of your positive and negative qualities. You can judge yourself in deciding your path for success. Be realistic and take steps that are achievable. Or, you can use social media, conference calls and video calls to discuss with your friends in setting your goals. You can give and take advice. Prepare yourself to emerge as a potential force in the post-covid world.

  1. Be a Guardian of your Health

Less mobility and social interactions may spoil your health. Make this a great opportunity to scan your mind, body, habits, and defects yourself. Regularly check your height and weight ratio. Calculate your Body Mass Index. You are the first doctor of your body. Find what kind of workout suits you, for how much time and at what time of the day. List out things that spoil your health and also those that boost your strength and immunity levels. While exercise keeps your body fit, meditation keeps your mind relaxed and sound. Regular exercise, family time and healthy food definitely keep you wholesome even during the isolated moments of your life.

  1. Take over the Kitchen

Whether you are a boy or a girl, it doesn't matter. You as a person can add a new feather into your cap. Learn how to keep the kitchen, and create a lot of yummy treats out of the kitchen. Cooking is more a thing of female chores. It is a habit and passion these days. You get plenty of menus, methods, and styles for preparing, cooking and presenting food items online. This is a great way to come closer to your parents and siblings. Give your mother and sister a rest from the kitchen. Show them new menus and methods. This gives a new taste to your life and to the entire family.

  1. Communicate and Chat

You are in physical isolation, but not in other ways. Though you cannot sit with your friends and shake your hands, You can communicate better with them. There are many ways to do so. Audio conferencing, chat rooms, email, social networks, video conferencing, and forums are there to communicate online and keep in touch with your friends, and well-wishers online. You can have friendly chats, a good laugh, debates, and exchange ok knowledge online.

It is an opportunity in disguise. Add color and novelty to your online studies to avoid utter boredom. Keep on dreaming, planning, working and preparing for your D-day. Reset your mind by getting enough sleep. Read and review the online content and raise your queries to get instant responses online. Don't overburden with a single task of studies. Apart from studies, plan to do regular exercises and a few of the aforesaid activities.



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