MH CET LAW 2020 Answer Key, Question Paper & Analysis

MH CET Law 2020 is scheduled to be conducted October 11, 2020 (5 year law program) and November 2-3, 2020 (3 year law program). The online application portal for both the programmes closed on September 8, 2020.

MH CET Law 2020 Paper Analysis – Overall Glance

Section Total Questions Ideal Time Good Attempt Good Score
Legal Aptitude & Legal Reasoning 40 40 mins 36+ 32+
General Knowledge with Current Affairs 30 10 mins 25+ 20+
Logical and Analytical Reasoning 40 40 mins 30+ 24+
English 30 20 mins 25+ 22+
Mathematical Aptitude 10 10 mins 8+ 6+

Overall Analysis

  • Ideal Attempt – 120+
  • Good Score – 105+

Read on to check the detailed analysis of the law entrance examination.

Answer Key

MH CET LAW 2020 Answer Key

MH CET LAW 2020 Answer Key will be accessible online after the exam. The answer key will be available for subjects viz Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning, General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Logical and Analytical Reasoning, English and Basic Mathematics. With the help of answer keys, one can get an estimate of their scores.

Note: Candidates can even challenge the answer key if they find any discrepancy. The challenges against the answer key will be referred to the exam board committees.

How to Check Answer Key

How to Check MH CET LAW 2020 Answer Key?

To check the Answer, visit the official website and follow the steps below.

  1. Enter your application ID and password in the required box.

  2. Click on submit.

  3. Answers will be displayed on the screen in PDF format.

  4. Download the same and check with your answers

  5. You may take the printout of the same as a future reference.

MH CET Law Paper Analysis

MH CET Law 5 Year Paper Analysis 2020

MH CET online exam 2019 consisted of 150 questions, all carrying one mark each. The paper consisted of 4 sections and the total time allotted was 120 minutes. The level of difficulty was easy to moderate with a few surprises. Keep reading to know the section wise analysis. Given below is an analysis of the 2019 paper to give you an idea. Read More MH CET LAW Exam Pattern

English Section

No of questions: 30

Level of Difficulty: Moderately Easy 

Ideal Attempts: 25+

Good score: 22+

  • The English section consisted of 2 reading comprehension passages, the length of which were of 400 - 500 words. 
  • The passage on legal profession consisted of 8 questions and was moderately difficult while the second one consisting of 5 questions was easy. 
  • Fill in the blanks, error spotting in sentences, and grammar correction each had 3 questions. 
  • There were 4 questions that consisted of word jumbling to make a correct sentence. 2 questions were asked from correct use of words or phrases in a sentence. 
  • This section was altogether easy and scoring according to the candidates.

Legal Aptitude & Legal Reasoning Section

No of questions: 40

Level of Difficulty: Easy

Ideal Attempts: 36+

Good score: 32+

  • This section was quite scoring and consisted of questions that were principal fact based. 
  • 14 questions on criminal law were rather unexpected. 
  • 12 questions came from contracts and 11 from torts. 
  • 3 questions were miscellaneous in nature. 
  • Questions from this section were of moderate length but nevertheless easy.

Mathematics Aptitude Section

Number of questions: 10

Level of Difficulty: Moderate

Ideal Attempts: 8+

Good score: 6+

  • The mathematics section was the easiest of all. 
  • There were 2 questions from quadratic inequalities and 2 from ratio and proportion. 
  • 3 were from venn diagrams. Rest of the questions were about profit and loss, speed, time distance, and time and work. 
  • This section was easy as english.

Logical & Analytical Reasoning Section

No of questions: 40

Level of Difficulty: Difficult

Ideal Attempts: 30+

Good score: 24+

  • Candidates who chose questions smartly by avoiding the lengthy ones saved time and scored better. 
  • By avoiding such questions, candidates could have attempted 30 questions in about 35 minutes and scored around 23 - 34. 
  • One matrix arrangement consisting of 5 questions and logical puzzle of height comparison was a must leave set. 
  • The 5 questions on vertical arrangement were easy but time consuming. 
  • Must solve sets included 4 syllogism, 5 linear arrangement cases, and 2 family tree based questions. 
  • About 4 - 5 questions on the comparison of variables and linear arrangements that included 2 dimensions could have been time consuming. 
  • 5 questions on word coding were simple.

General Knowledge with Current Affairs

Number of questions: 30

Level of Difficulty: Easy

Ideal Attempts: 25+

Good score: 17+

  • In the General Knowledge section, about 12 - 13 questions were static type that included 7 from the static legal general knowledge and 4 from indian history.
  • Questions from topics such as world forum, establishment, and government schemes were easy.
  • Few questions were difficult and unexpected mostly from statics legal general knowledge but the rest were moderate.
  • The current affairs questions were quite difficult which consisted of questions like the country of the title winner, location of defense exercises, location of satellite launch, and dates of government schemes.
  • Few questions were rather unusual from sports and awards. Questions from business and trade were of moderate level which required some reading.

MH CET Law 3 Year Paper Analysis 2020

MH CET Law for 3 year question paper is a 2 hour long paper consisting of 150 questions, all of which are objective type with no negative marking. There is no sectional limit for any of the 4 sections. Given below is the paper analysis of 2019 to give you an idea. 

English Section

No of questions: 30

Level of Difficulty: Moderate 

Ideal Attempts: 25+

Good score: 22+

  • The english section was lengthy in all 3 slots as the reading comprehension passages consisted of about 80 - 100 words each. 
  • According to the candidates, these passages were not just lengthy, but moderately difficult as well making it quite challenging. 
  • Most questions included reading comprehension, identifying sentences that are grammatically incorrect, parajumbles, fill in the blanks, and completion of sentences.
  • Unexpected questions such as formation of single sentences from three sentences while keeping the meaning intact where 2 synonyms are given as options were present.

Legal Aptitude & Legal Reasoning Section

No of questions: 40

Level of Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult

Ideal Attempts: 36+

Good score: 32+

  • This section was quite difficult but made even more so because of the length, especially the ones from sets. 
  • Questions from sets were time consuming which came from arrangement, linear arrangement, coding, syllogisms (4 -5 questions), matrix arrangement, statement and course of actions, paragraph based questions (1 - 2), and fill in the blanks.

Logical & Analytical Reasoning Section

No of questions: 40

Level of Difficulty: Difficult

Ideal Attempts: 30+

Good score: 24+

  • This section was quite difficult but made even more so because of the length, especially the ones from sets. 
  • Questions from sets were time consuming which came from arrangement, linear arrangement, coding, syllogisms (4 -5 questions), matrix arrangement, statement and course of actions, paragraph based questions (1 - 2), and fill in the blanks.

General Knowledge with Current Affairs

Number of questions: 30

Level of Difficulty: Moderate 

Ideal Attempts: 25+

Good score: 17+

  • This section was difficult as static general knowledge questions compromised about 40 - 50% of the paper. 
  • Questions were not identical across the slots (morning and afternoon). 
  • Type of GK questions mostly included defense, aerospace, science and technology, business, finance, geography of India and the world. Some 5 - 8 questions were LGK based, most of which were static and based on constitutional law. 
  • Questions in the afternoon slots were straightforward while the ones in the morning were more difficult.

Cut Off 2020

MH CET LAW Cut Off 2020

MH CET Law Participating Institutes will have their own cut off scores. Also, these cut off scores will vary with the institutes and the category of the candidates.

MH CET Law 2020 Cut off for Open Categories

Name of the Institute Opening Rank Closing Rank
Government Law College, Mumbai 144 127
Indian Law Society Law College, Pune 143 111
Gopaldas Jhamatmal Advani Law College, Mumbai 139 101
Dr. Ambedkar College of Law, Mumbai 134 101
Kishinchand Chellaram Law College, Mumbai 133 101
Rizvi Law College, Mumbai 138 88
New Law College, Mumbai 139 112
St. Wilfreds College of Law Mumbai 127 88
Manikchand Pahade Law College, Mumbai 121 56
Shankarrao Chavan Law College, Pune 131 98
Shri Shivaji Maratha Law College, Pune 127 98
Vidya Prasarak Mandal TMC Law College, Thane 129 98

There are various categories of the Scheduled Caste identified by the Government of Maharashtra, and the candidates belonging from these categories are eligible for the relaxation in the cut off scores offered by the various Law Schools.

MH CET Law 2020 Cut off and number of seats

Name of College Cutoff for General Candidates Number of Seats (5 year LLB) Number of Seats (3 year LLB) Opening rank Closing rank
Government Law College Mumbai 127 240 320 144 127
Indian Law Society Law College, Pune 125 240 160 143 111
Gopaldas Jhamatmal Advani Law College, Mumbai  97  - 300 139 101
Dr. Ambedkar College of Law, Mumbai 107  - 300 134 101
Kishinchand Chellaram Law College, Mumbai 114 180 140 133 101
Rizvi Law College, Mumbai 93 200 120 138 88
New Law College Mumbai  180 360 139 112
St. Wilfreds College of Law Mumbai 240 - 127 88
Manikchand Pahade Law College Aurangabad 108  - 80 121 56
Shankarrao Chavan Law College Pune 92  - 160 131 98
Shri Shivaji Maratha Law College Pune 91  - 80 127 98
Vidya Prasarak Mandal TMC Law College Thane 98  - 240 129 98

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


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