MH CET Law 2020- Photo And Signature Size, Format And Other Details

MH CET Law is a common state level entrance examination which is conducted for the admission in 3- year LLB program or 5- year Integrated LLB program by DHE Maharashtra. Through the law entrance examination, candidates will get admission in the various law institutes of the state in the two most reputed law courses, i.e. 3- Year LLB program and 5- year integrated LLB program. 

The entrance examination for MH CET Law 5- year integrated program which was to be conducted on April 12, 2020 stands postponed due to the recent outbreak of coronavirus pandemic. However, the registration window for 3- year program is open and students can apply for the same without any hassle. New dates of the exam are yet to be announced by the authorities. Candidates are advised to continue with their preparation in a panic-free environment.

DHT Maharashtra has released some of the important official details regarding the entrance examination. Students are advised to go through the guidelines and adhere to them while filling in the form. 

Apply for MH CET Law 3 Year Program. Click Here 

MH CET Law 2020- Highlights

  • Candidates who are interested in applying for the examination can do so through online mode only.
  • The application form for the 3- year LLB program has begun from March 19, 2020 and will end on May 6, 2020.
  • The registration window for the 5- year integrated LLB program is now closed. Application for the integrated program began from January 21st and closed on March 6th, 2020.
  • Candidates have to register themselves by providing their e- mail ID and phone number before filling the application form.
  • Applicants are required to upload their passport size photograph (within the size limit of 20 KB to 50 KB) and signature (within the size limit of 10 KB to 20 KB) at the time of registration.
  • At last, candidates are advised to take printout of application form and keep it safely till admission procedure.

MH CET Law- Important Dates

MH CET Law 2020- Important Dates

Commencement of Application form March 19, 2020 January 21, 2020
Last date of Application form May 6, 2020 March 6, 2020
Issue date of Admit Card June 5, 2020 March 27, 2020
MH CET Law Examination Date June 28, 2020 POSTPONED (April 12, 2020)

Read the Exam Pattern for MH CET Law 2020 

MH CET Law- Photo Size Specifications

MH CET Law 2020- Photo Size & Specifications

There are some of the specifications to upload the photograph on the application form of MH CET Law 2020 Examination. Candidates should take care of the following points while uploading the picture:

  • The photograph to be uploaded should be of passport size. No other photograph is allowed.
  • Candidates must upload a recent, coloured photograph.
  • The size of the photograph should lie between 15 KB to 50 KB.
  • The photograph should be uploaded in JPEG/JPG format.
  • The dimension of the image should be 200 x 230 pixels.
  • The image to be uploaded should be clicked with white or against any light- coloured background.
  • Photographs in which the candidate is wearing caps, hats, and dark glasses are not acceptable.
  • If you wear glasses make sure that there are no reflections and your eyes can be clearly seen.
  • The face of the candidate should be clearly visible.
  • The background of the image should be well balanced and equally lighted.
  • Candidates must ensure that there’s no red eye while clicking the picture using flash.

MH CET Law- Signature Specifications

MH CET Law 2020- Signature Size & Specifications 

There are some of the specifications to upload the signature on the application form of MH CET Law 2020 Examination. Candidates should take care of the following points while uploading it:

  • The candidates are required to upload the scanned copy of their signature. For signature, students have to sign on white paper with a black ink, scan it and then upload it.
  • Applicants must make sure that the signature must be signed by the applicant only.
  • The size of the signature should lie between 5 KB to 20 KB.
  • The signature should be uploaded in JPEG/JPG format.
  • The dimension of the image should be 140 x 60 pixels.
  • Also, the Scan resolution of the signature should be 200 dpi.
  • Signature in MH CET Law Law Admit card and Attendance Sheet should match with the uploaded signature.
  • In case of any mismatch, it will result in the cancellation of candidature.

How To Resize Image?

Many students find difficulty in resizing the images according to the prescribed size. Below given are some of the ways by which candidates can ensure that the signature and photograph are within the prescribed limits:

  1. Resizing Image using Paint 

  • Go to MS- Paint and Open the image.
  • To open the window which has the option of resizing the image “resize by %’ by pressing Ctrl+W.
  • Enter the percentage and save the file with the extension .jpeg.
  • Now, go back to the image, Check the size of the image by clicking on the Properties tab. If the size is still greater than 50 KB, then repeat the process.
  • Keep repeating the process till the fill size becomes less than 50 KB.
  1. Resizing Image using Windows Photo Library

  • First, Open the photograph in the Windows Photo Library.
  • Right click on the photo and select the Resize option.
  • Now, Click on the Custom option from the list.
  • Enter the required size and dimensions.
  • Next, click on Resize and Save button.
  • Go to properties and check the size of the reduced image.

These are some of the specifications specified by MH CET Law Entrance examination conducting authority to upload the photograph and signature of the candidate. Students must keep these points in mind while filling the application form. 

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


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