SLAT Exam Analysis 2021

Symbiosis International University held an online, home-proctored SLAT 2021 exam for admission to Symbiosis law schools on 10th,11th and 12th July 2021. The SLAT test is divided into two portions, one for MCQs and the other for WAT.

The multiple-choice part is divided into five sections, each with 15 questions (75 min duration). Each Question had four options, each of which was worth one point. For every incorrect reply, no point deduction is there. Students were free to move between sections. After that, there was a 30-minute Written Ability Test (WAT).

Highlights of SLAT Exam

Highlights of SLAT Exam

  • GK had in-depth and indirect questions.
  • It was disappointing that the exam did not align with the dry run check.
  • No negative marking is there, and it can also freely move around the sections.
  • The exam consisted of 75-60 questions and the time to complete it is 90 minutes (60 minutes for MCQ and 30 minutes for WAT)

Analysis of SLAT Exam Day 3

Analysis of the SLAT Exam Day 3- July 12, 2021

  • In comparison to the previous two days, the question paper was not as long.
  • The Level of Difficulty was Moderate and the paper was doable.
  • The third-day question paper was not as long as the previous two days. The exam was completed in one hour by the students.
  • The complexity of the question paper was moderate. It was an improvement over the previous days.
  • The majority of students reviewed it as an excellent paper.
  • Legal Reasoning was much better today than it had been the last few days. 
  • The sections were not too long, and the passages were not too long.
  • Reading Comprehension was a simple portion once again with direct questions.
  • GK was on the lines to moderate to difficult, a bit high on current affairs.
  • Other parts were less demanding than the days before.
  • Analytical Reasoning questions were easy to moderate.
  • Logical Reasoning was also easy to moderate and the expected score could be somewhere between 9 to 10.

SLAT Exam 2021 Detailed Exam Analysis (12th July, 2021) by Shah Nawaz | SLAT 2021 Analysis

Analysis of SLAT Exam Day 2

Analysis of the SLAT Exam Day 2 - July 11, 2021

  • The second-day SLAT was somewhat surprising, challenging yet lengthy.
  • The question paper was once again startling since the questions were unexpected.
  • The questions have nothing to do with the Dry run check. Students were able to finish the exam in less than an hour during the dry run check. However, the actual exam took longer as few questions were shocking.
  • The majority of pupils stated that the question paper was difficult.
  • The Paper was doable, but it had surprising elements.
  • Legal Reasoning was lengthy, the difficulty level was moderate, but doable many questions were based on core concepts.
  • Reading Comprehension was the easiest section.
  • GK was moderately difficult, unknown questions surprising difficult questions weightage was given on static GK.
  • Analytical Reasoning was difficult and heavy in calculations. The good score can be somewhere between 9 to 10 but questions were tricky.
  • Logical Reasoning was heavy on direction sense tests; the section was based on calculations.
  • Legal Reasoning was moderately difficult, lengthy and surprising questions came,pattern of questions based on principal,facts based questions expected score can be somewhere between 8 to 9.
Analysis of SLAT Exam Day 1

Analysis of the SLAT Exam Day 1 - July 10, 2021

  • The Paper was doable, but it had surprising elements.
  • The first day of SLAT 2021 was somewhat very surprising.
  • The question paper did not match the dry run check, which surprised the pupils.
  • The majority of pupils stated that the GK part was tricky. The portion was lengthy, which surprised me. Indirect questions were asked.
  • Analytical Reasoning was moderate to difficult, but doable all of the problems could be answered.
  • Legal Reasoning questions were fact and situation based.
  • Reading Comprehension the paragraphs were taken from the Hindu newspaper; Comprehension was simple. The questions were very straightforward, which saved time.
  • GK questions were based on static GK. It was difficult. 

After assessing all the 3 days, the anticipated cutoff is approximately 45-50. Though, it is subject to change based on the different criteria set by SIU authorities.

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