Symbiosis SET Cut Off 2023: Find out the Selection Criteria and Previous Years’ Trends

Symbiosis Cut Off is crucial to understand where you stand in comparison to other students who have attempted the exam. The cut off will also determine which branch of Symbiosis Institute you will be attending.

SET 2023 SLS Pune

SET Cut Off for SLS Pune

Categories 2017 2018
BA LLB Cut Off BBA LLB Cut Off BA LLB Cut Off BBA LLB Cut Off
Open 90 92 108 97
SC 37 36 38 32
ST 31 36 17 18
Differently abled 50 55 47 52
Kashmiri Migrant 62 58 26 58
Defense Personnel Wards 76 79 94 70
SLS Noida

SET Cut Off for SLS Noida

Categories 2017 2018
BA LLB Cut Off BBA LLB Cut Off BA LLB Cut Off BBA LLB Cut Off
Open 95 82 98 91
SC 35 38 38 32
ST 55 36 61 54
Differently abled 58 60 47 72
Kashmiri Migrant 63 58 58 48
Defense Personnel Wards 95 82 47 72
Previous Years

SET General Cut Off for Previous Years

SET 2023 consists of separate papers depending on the course you are applying for. SET General is the paper for courses like BBA. Here are the SET General Cut Offs for the years 2017 and 2016: 

SET Cut Off BBA (2017)

Category SET General Cut Off SCMS Noida BBA Cut Off
Open 81 91
SC 45 40
ST 30 49
Differently abled 58 44
Kashmiri Migrant 51 51

SET Cut Off: BBA (2016)

Category SET Cut Off : 2016
Open 91
SC 40
ST 49
Differently abled 44
Kashmiri Migrant 51

Factors that may affect the Symbiosis SET 2023 Cut Off

Symbiosis’ Cut Off is very sensitive to several factors. The cut off varies slightly every year, but displays a slightly upward trend. The cut is higher for the institutions and courses that are more in demand. Here are all the factors that affects the cut off for SET:

  • Total number of seats available in Symbiosis Institutes. 
  • Total number of candidates appearing for SET. 
  • Number of candidates qualifying for SET. 
  • Marking Scheme of SET. 
  • Difficulty level of Symbiosis Entrance Test. 
Result 2023

How to Check SET 2023 Result and Cut Off?

Candidates can go through the following steps to check the Symbiosis 2023 Cut Off exam:

  1. Click on the official website link i.e.
  2. A login page will be displayed on the screen.
  3. Candidates are required to fill details such as SET ID and Password.
  4. After filling the details, click on the “login” button.
  5. SET result 2023 will be opened on the screen.
  6. Download and take a printout of it.
  7. Candidates are advised to take a printout of the result and preserve it for further admission process.
  8. You can get an idea of the cut off based on your scores. 

Also Check Symbiosis SET 2023 Participating Colleges

Selection Criteria

SET 2023: Branch-Wise Selection Criteria

SET 2023 Selection Criteria is the minimum marks required in each component of the SET. SET 2023 consists of 5 components, namely - 

  • SET score
  • Written Ability Test
  • Personal Interview
  • Studio Test
  • Academic Profile

Given below is the Branch Wise Selection Criteria for SET. 


SET Component SCMC, Pune
SET score 30
Written Ability Test 10
Personal Interview 30
Studio Test 10
Academic Profile 20
Total 100

SSCA Pune, SSE Pune, SCMS Pune, SICSR Pune and SSLA Pune

SET Component SSCA Pune, SSE Pune, SCMS Pune, SICSR Pune and SSLA Pune
SET score 50
Written Ability Test 30
Personal Interview 20
Total 100

SCMS, Noida

SET Component SCMS, Noida
SET score 50
Written Ability Test 35
Personal Interview 15
Total 100
Admission Process

Symbiosis SET 2023 Admission Process

Symbiosis Cut Off will be released by each individual institution. You can go to the official website of the institution to check. Alternatively you can check this page for any new information that has been furnished regarding the cut off by SIU. 

  • Once the cut off has been declared, you will be made aware of the counseling process. Each branch will have a separate admission process. 
  • Once the SET exam has been successfully concluded, qualifying candidates will be called for PI and WAT rounds. 
  • The admission is done on the basis of the overall scores in each round. 
Courses Offered

SET 2023 Colleges & Courses Offered

Name of the Institute Courses Offered
Symbiosis Law School [SLS] – Pune Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of Laws (B.A, LL.B.), Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Laws (B.B.A, LL.B.)
Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research [SICSR] Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA), Bachelor of Business Administration Information Technology (BBA - IT)
Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies- Undergraduate [SCMS] – Pune Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences [SIHS] Bachelor of Science B.Sc. (Medical Technology)
Symbiosis Institute of Design [SID] Bachelor of Design (B. Des)
Symbiosis Centre for Media & Communication [SCMC] Bachelor of Arts (Mass Communication) B.A.(MC)
Symbiosis College of Nursing [SCON] Bachelor of Science (Nursing) B.Sc.(Nursing)
Symbiosis School of Economics [SSE] Bachelor of Science (Economics)- Honors B.Sc.(Eco)-Honors
Symbiosis Institute of Technology [SIT] Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech)
Symbiosis Law School [SLS]-Noida Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of Laws (B.A, LL.B.), Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Laws (B.B.A, LL.B.)
Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies- [SCMS]-Noida Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts [SSLA] Bachelor of Arts (B.A)- (Liberal Arts), Bachelor of Science (B. Sc)- (Liberal Arts)
Symbiosis Law School- Hyderabad [SLS]-Hyderabad Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of Laws (B.A, LL.B.), Bachelor of Business Administration & Bachelor of Laws (B.B.A, LL.B.)
2023 Cut Off FAQ’s

Symbiosis Entrance Test 2023 Cut Off FAQ’s

Ques. Do Symbiosis Institute accept other Entrance Exam Scores? 

Ans. Yes, but only for Engineering courses at the Symbiosis Technical Colleges. JEE Mains scores are accepted instead of SITEEE. 

Ques. Can a foreign national apply for SET 2023?

Ans. Yes, A foreign national or an NRI can apply for SET 2023 as well. There are certain special guidelines for such candidates which can be found on the official website. 

Ques. On what basis is the selection done for Symbiosis Colleges?

Ans. The selection is done on the basis of the candidates overall performance in the Exam, their past marks, their performance in the PI and WAT. All these factors are considered along with the cut off. 

Ques. What is the candidate evaluated on in the personal interview round? 

Ans. During the Interview round the candidate is evaluated based on the accuracy of their response, their confidence level and how their overall composure during the interview.

Ques. What does “Ward of Defence Personal” mean?

Ans. The term Defence Personnel would mean only those serving / retired defence personnel from Army, Navy, Air Force. Retired defence personnel are those who fall in the category of ex-servicemen as laid down in Ministry of Defence letter no 36035/5/85- Estt (SCT) dated 14 April 1987. It includes children of defence personnel who died while in service or after retirement.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

Fees Structure


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