CMAT February 2015 Exam Results

CMAT February 2015 Result Date –

CMAT February 2015 result  will be declared on Wednesday, March 25, 2015. The exam was conducted in computer based mode in a window of four days from Thursday, February 19 to Sunday, February 22, 2015. The CMAT exam is conducted by the AICTE twice a year for admissions in the MBA programme.

The CMAT February 2015 Result will announce the sectional and overall scores and percentiles of each test taker along with their names and CMAT February 2015 roll number. The test takers will also be able to download their Score Cards from March 25 to April 25, 2015. The shortlisted candidates later have to appear in the GD-PI rounds for completing the admission process.

How to Check CMAT 2015 Results-

The CMAT February 2015 Result will be declared on the official website of CMAT 2015. Last year, the CMAT February 2014 Result was announced in the afternoon of the scheduled date of result declaration. This year too it is expected to be declared on the scheduled time.

Candidates must login to view the results of CMAT 2015-

  • Enter Login ID
  • Enter Password
  • Click on the LogIn Button
  • Click on the -Download the CMAT February 2015 Result and score card

On the basis of the percentile and scores, the final selection of the students for admissions in the MBA programme will be done. The participating institutes will shortlist the candidates on the basis of their cutoffs and the candidates have to appear for GDPI rounds for the final admission. The CMAT February 2015 Result will also give the national rank list for MBA admission.

Fees Structure

Structure based on different categories


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