DAVV CAP 2020 Third Round Counselling Declared; Registration Open Till November 12, 2020, Read Details Here

Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (DAVV University) has declared to conduct the third round of counselling for the programs under the Common Admission Process. The second round of counselling was completed on November 6, 2020. 

The third round of counselling will be conducted offline at the Takshashila Campus of DAVV University. Candidates can register for the third round of counselling between November 9, 2020, and November 12, 2020. 

The Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (DAVV University), will conduct the third round of counselling for the vacant seats left after completion of the second round of counselling. 

DAVV University will release the detailed third round counselling schedule on November 13, 2020. 

DAVV CAP Third Round Counselling Process

The shortlisted candidates for third-round counselling need to visit the venue according to the mentioned schedule. 

If candidates find any difficulty or problem regarding attending the offline counselling, they should contact the authorities through mail to davvcet2020@gmail.com.

At the time of counselling, the qualified candidates need to carry a Demand Draft of INR 10,000 in favour of “Registrar (Self Finance) others” payable at Indore.

Additionally, those candidates who registered during the first and second rounds of counselling also have to apply by application ID given at the time of CAP-2020 registration without depositing postal charges.

Read: Devi Ahilya University (DAVV): Admission 2020

Those candidates who have already taken admission during the First / Upgrade/Second round of counselling, and want to take part in the third round of counselling should cancel their admission from the course enrolled by them in the above round of counselling. 

Without previous cancellation, candidates will not be permitted to apply for the third counselling round. 

Candidates need to cancel the admission by November 11, 2020, to participate in the third counselling. They must send the cancellation form given on the university website through email at davvcet2020@gmail.com.

Read: Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore Fees & Eligibility

DAVV CAP Third Round Counselling Process: Documents Required 

Candidates need to submit the following documents for the third counselling round process;

  • 2 Recent Passport size Photographs
  • Copy of counselling registration form
  • All past mark sheets
  • Transfer Certificate
  • Migration Certificate
  • Eligibility certificate from the University
  • Category certificate (if applicable)