CBSE Class 10 Term-1 Exam 2021: Maths, Home Science Paper Analysis, Students & Expert Reviews

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has successfully conducted the CBSE Class 10 Term 1 Exam 2021-22 for Mathematics and Home Science subjects on December 04 and 03 respectively. The exam was held in various exam centers across the country.

CBSE Class 10 Term 1 Exam 2021-22 for Mathematics was held for a duration of 2 hours, from 11 am to 1 pm, while Home Science exam was held from 11:30-1 pm for all registered candidates. Students were given 10-20 minutes to read the question paper before starting with the answers. 

Check the CBSE Class 10th Term 1 Exam 2021 Expert Reviews and Exam Analysis for both Math and Home Science Subjects in this article below!

CBSE Class 10 Term-1 Math Exam 2021 (Dec 04): Exam Analysis, Students Reviews

Following CBSE Class 10th Term 1 Exam 2021-22 Pattern, the math examination was divided into three sections, namely A, B, and C. Each question carries one mark and no negative marking scheme is added in the examination. 

As per students’ reviews, CBSE Class 10th Maths Exam was found to be lengthy and well-balanced. However, as per the expert’s remarks, the examination pattern was said to be challenging and time-consuming. 

The majority of the questions included in the question paper were added from easy parts of CBSE Class 10th Syllabus 2022 while a few questions were tricky. Some of the case study-based questions from coordinate geometry took more time than expected. 

While talking about the difficulty level of Class 10th Maths Exam 2021, a CBSE School Principal asserted, "the majority of the questions in the paper were based only on the topics mentioned in the term-1 CBSE syllabus".

"However, 2 questions in the standard paper were based on trigonometric identities which were from the deleted section of the syllabus", she further added. 

“Standard mathematics question paper was tricky and most of the questions were application-based. There were a few HOT’s questions also and overall, the questions were time-consuming. Case study-based questions were comparatively easy,” she added.

CBSE Class 10 Sanskrit Term 1 Exam 2022 Question Paper and Answer Key

Additionally, as per the statement by a Math Teacher of a CBSE-affiliated school, the overall difficulty level of Class 10th Term 1 Maths Exam 2021 was easy to moderate. 

The questions tested the student's retention capabilities, recapitulation, logical reasoning, analytical thinking, and higher-order thinking skills of students. No questions were added from outside the syllabus, he further added. 

CBSE Class 10 Term-1 Home Science Exam 2021 (Dec 03): Exam Analysis, Student Reviews 

Earlier, on December 03, 2021, CBSE conducted the term-1 examination of Home Science for class 10th students. The exam was held from 11:30 am to 1 pm, in a single shift in various exam centers. 

CBSE Class 10 Home Science Exam 2021 included Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) along with reasoning and case study-based questions. Students were given one and a half hours to complete their examination. 

While talking about the exam difficulty level, CBSE school principal stated that the questions included in the Home Science Exam were easy and satisfactory. 

However, a few questions included in the question paper were application-based, which took more time than expected to answer. Overall, the examination pattern was very well structured and balanced, she further added. 

Referring to the CBSE Class 10th Home Science Exam 2021, a student stated that with a moderate difficulty level of the exam, the students had enough time to complete and recheck their answers. While a few students mentioned that the exam was neither difficult nor easy.

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