Calicut University Receives UGC Permission to Offer Distance Education Courses from Academic Session 2021-22: Read Full Report Here

University Grants Commission (UGC) has recently permitted Calicut University to offer various courses through open distance education mode to students from the academic session 2021-2022. 

With the approval of the University Grants Commission, Calicut University's School of Distance Education (SDE) will offer courses like BA in History, Economics, Sociology, Political Science through an open learning mode. 

Additionally, Calicut University Undergraduate Courses 2021 will also include B.A program in Philosophy, English, Malayalam, Hindi, Arabic, Sanskrit, and Afzal-ul-Ulama and other specializations in its course list. 

Referring to the decision made by UGC, M K Jayaraj, Vice-Chancellor of the university started the Calicut University Admission 2021 for approved undergraduate and postgraduate courses of the university which will be completed by December 2021. 

As for the MSc Mathematics and B.Sc Mathematics courses of Calicut University, which have been offered by the university for the past seven years, the Union Commission Council has stated that approvals for these courses are now pending. 

Calicut University will now file an appeal for the approval of its two courses to be offered through distance learning mode in the next 30 days. Further decisions on the course commencement will be made by UGC after receiving the appeal request from the university. 

As of now, Calicut University is one of the largest universities in the state which offers regular as well as open distance learning courses to students. The university receives over 1.5 lakh applications every year for its undergraduate and postgraduate program admission. 

Under Calicut University Distance Education, the university offers various UG and PG courses which include BBA, BA, MA, B.Com, M.Com, B.Sc, and M.S among others. 

After receiving permission to offer various undergraduate courses through distance learning mode, the university is set to commence the admission process for the same soon. The admission process details are expected to be released on the official website of the university. 

Also Check: Calicut University Distance Education Admission 2021
