SR group of Pharmacy

Mr. Rohit Verma is the Head of Department at SR group of Pharmacy, Jhansi. He is a passionate professional and the one who easily connects with the students. His philosophy is to make the ground work robust to produce effective results. On the same lines, he advises students to replenish the voids existing in the current system through their visionary approach. Read here what he has to say in his interview. 

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Interacting with the future caretakers of the country keeps me contended in this sector”

It is my sole responsibility to look after all the administrative as well as academic activities in coordination with the Director Dr DCP Singh. I feel delighted to be an essential part of a teaching institution, the foundation of career and a better life. It gives me immense pleasure to interact with the budding youth who will be the caretakers of tomorrow.

“Over my five-year teaching career, I've learned that one tried-and-true way of building relationships with students is to attend their events. Students love seeing their teacher at their sporting events, speech and debate competitions, and drama productions”

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“Fair communication leads to better coordinated team work”

I think my strengths as a leader are effective delegation and communication. I always try to delegate tasks to whoever is best-equipped to perform well in the job, and I keep a lucid communication about the requirements. This eliminates back-and-forth, mistakes, and the need to re-do tasks. Taking more time to communicate effectively at the beginning of the project, and delegating appropriately, both end up saving time as a project advances.

What are some of the biggest challenges for higher education in our country?

“There are dynamics which are dysfunctional in the education which are to be addressed”

I feel education is not equally distributed to all. People have a diverse perception for the education system, and it may or may not reach every student in the same way. The education system at a higher level must function systematically; it somehow lacks in the system. Every assigned person or authority does not show interest as they are engaged with other academic activity. If every member would take responsibility for their work, the education system could flourish with betterment and brightness.

Check SR group of Pharmacy Courses & Fees

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Come up with innovative ideas to replenish the voids existing in the current system”

As we all know after COVID-19 pandemic, our India, as well as the world, needs to be replenished. It may be only possible if youth understand their responsibility towards their nation's betterment. So, I suggest and request them to come up with a bright and focused mind and work for a better future. Avoid being part of the crowd. Be humble - Being humble allows you to be open to learning from elders and making an adjustment to become a better person.