SBIHM Kolkata

Ms. Bidisha Mitra Sarkar is the Director of SBIHM Kolkata. She has worked in different verticals of the education sector and explains why the industry is the best to work in. She highlights the major point of having the relevant skill sets required to work in any industry, which are essential to sustain and grow simultaneously. Furthermore, she puts emphasis on retaining the quality of being a born leader and how to acquire the ability to work and strive for excellence. Moving forward, she explains the importance of love and respect and how she uses these tools in order to build an effective team. The factor of love and respect works efficiently during hard-times. Since obstacles are a part of life, without them one can not stay motivated. In the later segment of the interview she puts emphasis on top qualities of a student and how the institute is working towards building quality professionals to serve the society. She concludes the interview on the note by her precious advice that brings out the quality person you want to be. With love and respect everything can be achieved. 

It is essential to have the right and relevant skill-sets to become a part of any industry

It is important to have an interest in the domain you want to work and specialize in. Furthermore, you have to be a well skilled asset to the industry. If you are skilled enough you can be in the industry you like, else there is no place for you in any industry.

I started my journey in the education industry at the age of 18. As a student I started working at the department of atomic energy on a contract basis. As I said, if you are skilled enough for the industry, that industry will be for you. Suppose you are an IT professional and if you don’t have skills that match and maybe you have a graduate and postgraduate degree but you don’t have any skills in IT then you can’t sustain in that field.

Retain the born-leader skill sets to become an effective leader in the future

Each and every child is a born leader. After getting education and other qualifications If the student comes and works on the unique idea, they qualify for perfect leader traits. Thus, my philosophy of leadership is to retain that born leader quality of every individual and students. I think the role of a leader is to create more leaders not more followers.

It is important to give instructions to the team with love and respect 

My leadership style is to love and respect everybody. If you love and respect everybody then everybody will follow you. If you just give them orders nobody will follow you. It is important to give instruction to the team but the way to do this is with respect and freedom. I give them work but also give them freedom to do that work. I don’t believe in micromanagement as I consider it a waste of time.

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Obstacles are a part of life, without obstacles you can’t motivate yourself

There are many day to day obstacles while handling my responsibilities. I have to take care of many operations for faculty as well as students and parents. Obstacles are a part of life, without obstacles you can’t motivate yourself. I try to show them the bigger picture and remind them that if there is no pain, there is no gain. If you get everything easily you will never be motivated. That’s how I try to motivate my team. Not only the faculty , I handle my students as they are essential components of the institute. My work is to motivate them and make them a leader.

Top qualities that a student must possess 

If you are skilled enough, you will be confident. Therefore, it is pivotal to interlink both and strive towards the best possible scenarios. In a nutshell a student should be skilled enough to work in the industry, confident enough to do the job at hand and disciplined enough to love and respect others.

We want our students to come out as a professional best suited for the industry

The basis for taking a technical course is to get a good job. Thus, we continuously look to work with the top companies in the industry for the better placement of our students. We send our students for internships and training in the top hotels and companies. We are trying to get more and more top companies to visit our campus, that’s how we wish to push the envelope further. 

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Bring out the quality person you want to be and love and respect everyone

My suggestions to the youth and the aspiring students would be to be confident, work hard and be skilled enough for the industry that you are trying to get in. It does not matter what life throws at you, always be confident and yes, always love and respect others. These qualities will take you to the new heights.