Dimple Vijaywargi Profile

Dimple Vijaywargi is a PGDM student at MICA Ahmedabad and joined the college as a fresher. For PGDm admission she undertook MICAT and scored 56.75 percentile. She graduated from SAL Institute of Technology and Engineering Research, Ahmedabad with 8.52 GPA. 

Dimple Vijaywargi Profile

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Admission Experience

Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?

Dimple Vijaywargi: “General (No reservation)”

Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?

Dimple Vijaywargi: “MICA has a GE setup before the PI. Group Exercises at MICA are a lot of fun and very different from any other colleges. We were divided into a group of 6/7 people and were asked to perform an act. Props like chart paper, colors, musical instruments, etc. were placed on a table and we were all gathered around that table. There were 2 panelists in the room who were just standing quietly in the corner and were observing throughout the activity. There was no such time given specifically for preparation and the final act. A student was basically being judged right from the very first moment till the end of the activity.”

What was the WAT / GD Topic?

Dimple Vijaywargi: "The Group exercise was really amusing, since a group of strangers were acting crazily as singers, actors, politicians and a romantic couple to clear their way to the next round. A setup was given to us, where we were all at the airport, characters were assigned to us as mentioned above and then we were asked to enact at the situation of a flight being delayed.”

What were your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively? 

Dimple Vijaywargi: “I was enacting the actress at the airport who threw all the tantrums for the flight being delayed. Calling up the manager, authorities and cursing the officials for the delay.

One thing that I believe helped me clear this round was, I took charge at the beginning for asking the group for their preference on the characters and also, for creating stuff from paper and colors to write the script and creatives for the airport scenario.”

Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.

Dimple Vijaywargi: “For PI, there were three panelists sitting in an air-conditioned room of the registrar. There was a senior authority of the college, a faculty and an alumnus for me. The interview and GE happened offline on the campus at MICA. This was the most chill interview I had compared to other college's interview.

One thing that MICA sees in you is how strongly you make an opinion about anything and everything. So being opinionated and true to yourself could help you in cracking the PI round.”

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Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them. 

Dimple Vijaywargi: “1. What are your hobbies? - Mentioned about art, craft, paintings.

2. What is the one thing that you hate most? - People smoking in public

3. Draw a creative for a campaign for not smoking in public- Used my drawing skills and made a creative using a paper and pencil. Wrote a quote and explained about passive smoking.

4. Criticize this pencil (Passed me the Nataraj pencil) - The shape which hurts the knuckles on my finger, not smooth enough to use for drawing (as I love to draw), random things written on the pencil, etc.

5. what did you like in this pencil (Nataraj pencil) - the color since its iconic, the packaging, etc.

6. what did you liked most about our campus - Mentioned about the greenery and brick walls

7. If you want to make one change on our website what would that be? - The homepage with carousel pictures of campus and students, since that's the first thing any student looks for while researching for the university online (the gallery) to look for campus pictures.”

Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.

Dimple Vijaywargi: “I converted SIBM-B and chose MICA over it. The major reason being the course offered at MICA. MICA offers a unique curriculum to its students which no other B-school in India offers. The 2-year course includes Advertisement, Media, Digital Marketing and Analytics.

Another reason being, the placements, MICA attracts a pool of big FMCG companies which always made me fascinated.

And the last one, the location. MICA is situated in Ahmedabad where I've spent all my life till then. My family were happier than I was, the sole reason being I will be near my home.”

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What was the reason for you not converting to other colleges?

Dimple Vijaywargi: “I sat for 6 interviews in total and converted 3 of them. I believe, there was not much to talk about during PI since I was a fresher, also major reason being I was never an active student during my under graduation. I didn't took part in many competitions or activities that I could show or talk about. Another area where I lacked was General Knowledge. I tried reading newspapers and articles but it was just never my forte and thus went silent during PI when I was asked about any general questions- specially about politics.”

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