Anveesha Rathore is currently enrolled in MBA course of MICA Ahmedabad. She graduated from Gargi College, DU with 89% marks. Anveesha appeared in CAT and obtained 91 percentile.

Anveesha Rathore Profile

  • Current institute: MICA, Ahmedabad
  • Graduation College: Gargi College
  • CAT score: 91%ile
  • 10th Percentage / GPA: 94
  • 12th Percentage / GPA: 90
  • Graduation Percentage/GPA: 89 
  • Work Experience: NA

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Anveesha Rathore Admission Experience

Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?

Anveesha Rathore: “General (No reservation).”

Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?

Anveesha Rathore: “The GD was offline and it was good. Yes everyone got a chance to speak. Everyone had 90 seconds to speak out their thoughts. There were a total 3 moderators present who were quite good observant. We were given 10 minutes to think on the topic and then to present our thoughts. The GD was a mixture; it was heated for a moment but then got the pace.

Time allotted: 10 minutes for preparation + 2 minutes for presentation

Team: 7 people

“We were asked to come up with ‘communication tools’ addressing two - five-year-olds on how to reduce the consumption of chocolates and candies. It was related to dental hygiene. We came up with a skit and a poster. Both these tools were very simple and to the point, keeping in mind the age of the target audience. I worked on the poster while others worked on the skit. In the end, we were applauded by the panelists for our interpretation of the task"

What was the WAT / GD Topic?

Anveesha Rathore: “Farm Bill Amendment- The new agricultural bill.”

What were your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively? 

Anveesha Rathore: “1. How well do you know yourself? Tell me something about yourself.

This is, undoubtedly, one of the most commonly asked MBA interview questions. The question aims to test your communication skills and how you present yourself. If you do not know how to frame your answer correctly, you will not be able to create a great first impression. 

The key is to be precise and straightforward. Don’t bore them with lengthy stories about your life – stick to the basics. Talk about your passion, what drives you, what field do you wish to excel in, and a little bit about your family life. Wrap everything up by linking your answer to your passion for the field of Management. 

  1. Why did you choose a master’s in Business Administration as a career option? What are your plans with your MBA degree?

As for the first part of this question, your answer will largely depend on whether you are an experienced professional or a fresh graduate. NEVER utter that you chose it because you had nothing better to do, or you just took it out of curiosity – you should portray a genuine interest in the field.

Coming to the second part of the question, you can talk about your short-term and long-term career goals. Talk about the career options that you can see yourself in and the job roles that would be best for you. Lastly, make sure everything adds up well with your personality and resume.

  1. What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?

The best way to approach this question is by conducting a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats) analysis of your strengths and weaknesses. You are the best judge of your strengths and weaknesses. However, you can ask your friends and mentors to help you recognize the same.

  1. Where do you envision yourself in the next few years (5 to 10 years)?

Interviewers usually ask this question to get a peek into your personality and competency. They want to know whether or not you are a strong contender for the job at hand. So, you must frame your answer wisely. Avoid generic statements like “I want to see myself as a Manager/Vice President” – the interviewer is well-aware of the job hierarchy.

  1. Who is your role model? 

How you answer this question reveals to your interviewer your definition of success. There are numerous success stories in the MBA world. You only need to know about a select few inspirational people in the field and their achievements. After all, you must back up your answer – whoever you name as your role model, you must support your answer with why he/she inspires you. List the qualities that you admire the most about your role model and how you plan to emulate them in your own workspace."

Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.

Anveesha Rathore: “The duration of my PI was about 15-20 minutes, which was pretty less when compared to other aspirants’ PI that lasted for almost an hour! Also, I got none of the general questions such as 'Why MICA?', 'Why PGDM(C)?' or ‘Likes/Dislikes’. The PI was like a conversation about my experiences and my take on some topics. I was asked to analyze the Bengali Culture from a migrant's perspective. Apart from being an English Honours graduate from DU, I was a member of my College's Dramatics Society. Maybe that is why I was asked about my take on books being adapted into movies/plays. Finally, I was asked about my experience at the NGO.

“So that was that. Everything was done by 3 PM. Results came out very late. But the tense mood in the Audi was lightened up by some brilliant singers in the group who took to the stage and sang some of the classics by Kailash Kher and KK,”

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Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them. 

Anveesha Rathore: “Q: So you are an English graduate. What do you think about the adaptation of books into movies/plays?

A: Masses say a movie is never able to justify the book. But it is actually the limitation of the medium. To reproduce an entire book within a certain time (two or three hours) is difficult. All intricacies of a book cannot be captured on screen. But then there are both good and bad adaptations. It is how a certain director handles a subject. Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter are some good examples.

Q: You are an English Literature student and a fresher. Are you fit for an MBA profile?

A: Being a recent graduate from humanities, I can give a fresh perspective to any discussion. My profile can add to the diversity and richness of class discussions which are mostly dominated by engineering grads. Sometimes job experience does not mean you are good at marketing. If people are coming from a coding background, they are as new to marketing as I am.

Q: You have never lived in West Bengal. What do you think of the Bengali culture from an outsider’s perspective?

A: I have observed this about all communities in a foreign land – they tend to form close bonds. In Bengalis too, there are so many things to connect on. Bengali clubs hold Pujas which are based on cultural familiarity and appreciating similar kinds of music and food.

Q: Tell us about your NGO experience. What did you do? How did it affect your personality?

The primary responsibility of a Peer Educator is to spread awareness with the target group. You face many challenges trying to teach students about sex education. Firstly they don’t listen to you as they are, after all, young kids- restless and distracted, secondly, such a topic can be difficult to talk about. So at that point, you can do nothing but learn how to handle the pressure and keep going. These experiences taught me how to think on my feet. Such acts also call for leadership, as well as teamwork traits in an individual. 

Today, if young boys are educated about these sensitive issues, they’ll go on to become respectable adults. And indeed, in our pre and post-evaluation reports, a change in the thinking pattern of boys was noticed. Having studied the discipline of feminism in class, this platform helped me spread awareness about some of the myths and taboos that are prevalent in a patriarchal society such as ours. 

Q: Which society will you join in MICA?

 (I already knew about every community and had an interest in Jagriti (social service wing of MICA) Sankalp and the literary community)

The whole interview lasted for about 10-20minutes."

Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.

Anveesha Rathore: “Reputation Matters

It makes a difference when you attend a top-ranked institution of higher learning like MICA that enrolls the best students from around the country and around the world.

Creativity + Thinking Skills Matter

Because art begins with an idea, MICA's carefully designed curriculum nurtures the critical balance between the artistic and intellectual. Employers and graduate schools actively recruit MICA graduates for "their creativity, breadth of real-world experience, exceptional artistic and technical skills, and their ability to think creatively."

Individualism Matters

MICA is a student-centered learning environment where respect for creativity and individualism is a highly held value. Personal attention is built into the DNA of the College. Our curriculum and co-curricular programs are designed to develop you as a whole person - from your creative vision and intellectual capacity to the development of your professional skills, confidence, and personal integrity."

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