College of Agribusiness Management

Dr. R.S. Jadoun is the Dean at College of Agribusiness Management. He is an arduous working professional who brings the same practice to achieve goals. His lucid vision to guide students and enlighten their thought process to build a prosperous career path makes everyone look up to him. Read here what he has to say in his interview.

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education-sector?

“Education is an unending learning process”

Education is the most empowering force that creates knowledge, opens doors to wisdom. Taking a chance of carving young minds into talented resources of the nation is pre-eminent. The zeal to develop learners to become enlightened and intelligent citizens of a democratic society always drives me. The nexus with the education sector and teaching is not only a profession, vocation, mission but also intrinsically strived for progressivism and will be throughout the walk of life.

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“Building relations, creating content-based knowledge to budgets, an administrator takes care of everything”

I strongly treat teachers as the classroom administrator, and it corroborates my relation with him/her and in-turn teacher-student relationships. I see teachers as leaders beyond administrators because teaching demands leadership skills. I trust that they possess the skills or potential for the gifts to self-administer a classroom. It will be a positive step in how the faculty perceives the administrator as a supportive, cooperative, leading leader and celebrates his cardinality with gratuity. Mine is a melange style of Directing, Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating as an administrator.

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How do you strategize about the key programs and plans for the marketing and administration of your school?

“We ensure to meet our set expectations”

We maintain an efficient cohort at the Institute for Blogging, News/Media updates, Social Networking, Forums, Webinars, Alumni networking, Podcasting, Revamp the website with modern, attractive, and responsive website design; Multichannel marketing. The conducting of Alumni meets extra-academic activities, College fiesta, and time to time updates taken upon the recruitment base. The university's brand name is a premier spellbound and enticing factor. We persistently keep up to dynamize this indiscriminately.

“As quenching the industries’ expectations from students is paramount to CABM, Field-based learning, and experience sharing by practitioners, entrepreneurs are regularly integral parts of academic work.”

What do you think should be the Institute’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“We are transforming education the way it is delivered now”

The innovation in our Educational programs is ensured by delivering powerful learning opportunities on online platforms. We are integrating classrooms based learning with working complexities in practical simultaneously. There is inclusion to enhance community and culture from all nations surpassing the topography and landscape deterrents. We ignite students' intellectual, cognitive development through projects and initiatives focused on large-scale, multi-disciplinary issues facing society today—an infusion of entrepreneurial thinking into existing education models for students to become accomplished business tycoons, innovators.

What do you see as College of Agribusiness Management’s greatest strengths?

“We provide provocative teaching and Field-based learning for bracing students to complexities”

CABM’s committed teaching fraternity with exceptional academic knowledge, experience to sculpture the students in multi-disciplinary domains. Felicitous ambiance for learning in a green and sustainable environment equipped with requisite infrastructure supporting students. Inculcating knowledge “by doing” approach through case studies and upgrading them synchronizes with Industry’s’ demands. The generous, committed alumni, faculty, and staff for benefitting Institute in all aspects. Broad recruiters’ base and their steadfast commitment and trustworthiness towards CABM.

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Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“If put in the right direction, young minds' indomitable energy and power lead to marvel triumphs”

 Youth is the nation's future and who's current tribulations are building chunks for its prosperity. So, it's the onus of students to strive hard incessantly and endure the toiling in the path of gaining knowledge. The more you learn new things, the sharper your intellect shines. Smart work, perspicacity with dedication, invigorates brainpower, and puts your steps towards the nation's innovation and progress. Make India a developed country.