Dr Jyoti Joshi is working as an Assistant Professor of Sanskrit at S.S. Jain Subodh Girls P.G. College Sanganer, Jaipur. She has 15 years of experience in education and has done M.A and Ph.D in Sanskrit. Dr Jyoti Joshi is a member of the Women cell and student safety cell at S.S. Jain Subodh Girls P.G. College, the women cell aims at creating awareness for women rights and duties. 

SS Jain Subodh Girls PG College

What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

"As a teacher, it is important to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the students in order to provide them with the best educational experience"

Ans. By understanding their individual abilities, we can direct them towards learning the best practices that will help them reach their potential. It is also our responsibility to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to learn and thrive in their studies. I try to identify learning barriers they may face and provide assistance so that they can overcome these obstacles.

How do you establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?

Establishing healthy relations with students and fellow faculty is essential for creating a positive learning environment. As an educator, I strive to design high quality academic instructions that are appropriate to the educational levels of my students. I also believe in building strong relationships with my students and colleagues by communicating openly, listening attentively and being respectful of their opinions. This helps create an atmosphere of mutual respect, trust and collaboration within the classroom. Additionally, I take time out to get to know my students better by engaging them in meaningful conversations outside the classroom setting.

How do you introduce a practical and industry-oriented approach towards subjects?

Introducing a practical and industry-oriented approach towards subjects is essential for students to gain the skills required to be successful in their chosen field. Lab assignments and live projects are two approaches that can provide students with practical training and help them develop the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in their respective industries. Lab assignments give students hands-on experience with various tools and techniques while live projects provide them with the opportunity to apply the knowledge they have gained in a real-world setting. Both of these approaches are invaluable for ensuring that students have the necessary skill set when they enter their chosen field.

How do you strategize and update the curriculum to make it befitting for the students?

Curriculum strategy involves the process of defining goals, objectives, and levels to develop a curriculum that adheres to the given requirements. It streamlines the elements of the curriculum by defining the relationships between student learning and industry demand.

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What are the views on the placement and higher education of the students from your department?

The placement and higher education of the students from our department has been a matter of great concern for us. We believe in equipping our students with relevant and conceptualized professional skills, which will help them to have a successful career in the future. We also work towards guiding them towards a bright future and career by providing them with the necessary guidance and support.

We are always looking for ways to ensure that our students get placed in good companies or universities so that they can pursue their dreams. We strive to provide our students with the best possible opportunities so that they can make the most out of their studies and make sure that they are well-prepared for their future endeavors.

Which strategy do you use to help students to cope with this competitive world?

In this competitive world, it is important for students to have the right skills and knowledge to succeed. To help students cope with this competitive world, two strategies are most effective - conceptual learning and self-confidence development.

Conceptual learning helps students gain a deeper understanding of the material they are studying. Through conceptual learning, students can develop critical thinking skills which will be useful in their future endeavors. On the other hand, self-confidence development is also essential for students as it helps them build confidence in their abilities and encourages them to take on challenges that come their way.

These two strategies can be combined to help students develop the necessary skills and knowledge required to succeed in this competitive world. By developing these skills, students will become more confident in their abilities and have a better chance of succeeding in whatever field they choose to pursue.

What extracurricular activities are organized in college to enhance the skills of the students?

In this highly competitive world, it is essential for students to have the right skills and strategies to stay ahead of the competition. Conceptual learning and self-confidence development are two important tools that can help students cope up with this competitive world. Conceptual learning helps students understand complex concepts more easily and quickly while self-confidence development helps them develop their own unique set of skills that will give them an advantage over their peers. With these tools, students can gain the knowledge and confidence they need to succeed in today's competitive environment.

Which challenges are you facing to uplift the quality of education of your department?

Life-long learning is essential for success in today's rapidly changing world. But, unfortunately, the quality of education in our department has been lagging. The primary challenge we are facing is the imbalance between the efficiency, the pace of learning, and quality. There is a huge demand for life-long learning skills and knowledge that our students need to be equipped with, but we are not able to provide them with it due to various constraints.

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What are the approaches you bring in apart from curriculum to teach students?

Online learning is a great way to provide my students with access to resources and tools they need in order to succeed. It also allows me to create personalized learning plans for each student based on their individual needs. Differentiation helps me tailor the curriculum so that all students can reach their full potential regardless of their background or experience level. Summative assessment allows me to track progress over time so I can adjust the curriculum as needed. Workshops and presentations help make the material more engaging and interesting for my students while allowing them to practice what they have learned in a safe environment.

Any valuable advice which you would like to share with young minds?

Ans. Learning is one of the most valuable skills that young minds should possess. It is an activity that never stops, and it can help to keep you motivated in life. Learning can open a world of possibilities for young minds, and it can be used to develop skills and knowledge which will help them to succeed in the future.

Learning also helps to keep depression at bay, as it gives young minds something meaningful to focus on. With learning comes understanding, which allows young minds to make sense of the world around them and find solutions to problems they are facing. Learning also helps young minds become more confident about themselves and their abilities, which can lead to better self-esteem and a happier lifestyle overall.