Mr. S. Rasarasan is working as the Head of Marine Engineering Department and as an Assistant Professor at G.K.M. Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He has an amazing 9 years of teaching experience and 6 years of corporate experience. His area of specialization includes Computer Aided Design, Design Engineering, Production Engineering and he has also published 5 International journal papers.

G.K.M. Institute Of Marine Sciences And Technology

In your experience, what inbound students can gain from studying here in your institute?

"Students will get best ambiance here to grow and pursue their dreams"

We all are aware very well that the Indian education system focuses more on theory rather than practical and also does not allow much creativity in curriculum and teaching methodologies, whereas foreign education systems focus more on practical learning and also allow creativity in learning approaches. And the same international practice we follow in our college by involving students in experiments and practical instead of teaching them only the theoretical part, as our aim is to strengthen their knowledge not just give them a Degree.

What are your roles and responsibilities for the University and students?

"To supervise departmental activities and resolve students academic and non-academic issues on time"

Being the Head of Department, I am accountable for providing best quality education to students, ensuring their overall personality development and addressing their academic and non-academic issues and providing their resolution on time. I also keep encouraging my students as I believe when students feel valued and appreciated, they do their best in studies.

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

We aspire to improve the education quality of our students by introducing finest learning and internships opportunities for students. In addition to this, our objective is to bring new developments in didactics. 

What do you see as the greatest strengths of your college? 

"Our people, infrastructure and education quality makes us resilient"

The main pillars of our strength are sports activities we organize in college to inculcate skills like teamwork, strong work ethic in students in order to enhance the spirit of sportsmanships in them and make them a responsible person. In addition to these, our teaching pedagogies, faculty, students and everyone else who work with us and work for us makes us strong. 

What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education in general?

"Lack of self care and sleep are becoming major issues for students pursuing higher education"

Poor self care, inadequate sleep, and heightened stress are the main roadblocks that lead to most of the health problems in university life.

Any suggestions which you would like to give to the current youth and aspiring students?

"Believe in yourself and keep upgrading your knowledge"

I would like to advise my students and youths of our society to bravely cope up with their failures and learn from their mistakes. And be honest no matter what the situation is, prioritize your needs, love yourself and put your 100% efforts in whatever work you do, because there is no shortcut for success.

How do you establish a healthy relationship and environment in your institute?

"By maintaining the ambiance of truthful and transparent communication with everyone"

For the purpose of maintaining a healthy relationship with everyone in my college, I use the strategy of transparent and respectful communication. And I keep interacting with my students after classes and with faculty during break time and events organized in college. And while talking to them, I listen their issues, queries very carefully so that I can resolve them on time. Lastly, I came up with projects students can get excited about.

Being the Department Head, what is your philosophy of leadership? 

"Leadership is all about giving right direction to people at the right time to learn and grow"

I would describe my leadership style as direct and leading by example. I enjoy delegating tasks and taking the lead on projects, but I also like to stay involved and inspire my team by ensuring that my support and guidance will always be available for them. 

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What are some of the plans that you are currently designing for your college international affairs students?

"We are working to improve Research and Development facilities in our college"

We are planning to bring more research opportunities in college for the benefit of both faculty and students. And in addition to this, introducing the latest skill development courses is also in our wishlist. 

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

"My commitment to improve other's life by educating them kept me connected with this sector"

My passion is to upgrade my skills and spread my knowledge with youths of our country to make them ready to contribute to society and nation growth. And this is what has kept me connected with the education sector. Being in this sector not only gives me abundant opportunities to invent something new but also encourages me to learn something new while I interact with my students.