Shri. K Hinoca Assumi is currently serving as the Principal at KROS College, Kohima. With 6+ years of teaching experience in different colleges and academic institutes across India, he has been an integral part of many corporate firms and ventures. Also, he has organized and attended many seminars, conferences and workshops at state, national and international levels.
What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?
“The idea of continuous improvement”
Education helps you continuously evolve as a human. This sector encompasses nourishing young minds and making them capable of doing big things in life. When I nurture someone, it directly helps me to grow and learn more. This idea has always kept me connected to the education sector.
What are the challenges you face in uplifting the quality of education at KROS?
“Poor infrastructure and connectivity in the region”
Compared to the education system of major cities of India like New Delhi, Bhopal, Lucknow, Mumbai and Bangalore, the north eastern cities are not at par in terms of infrastructure and facilities. We have the zeal to work at the same level but the environmental drawbacks in terms of IT technology and connectivity has kept us from matching the standards of the country.
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How do you nurture your students to be responsible citizens or society?
“Creating a healthy and friendly environment to learn and grow”
In KROS college, we have a very good student- teacher relationship. We take care of every need of the students to help them grow in a holistic way. Just like how parents protect and nurture you at home, we try to implement the same in our college and keep the students first. I would not say we produce the best graduates in the country but we do produce students who become responsible in the community and work towards the goodwill of the society.
What is the college aiming for in the next 10 years?
“New course line and wider reach”
We are looking forward to starting a PG programme and we also have set a target towards starting our own curriculum so we can reach out to a wider student base. We aspire to impart the same morals and principles that we teach at KROS College in the coming years.
Tell us something about your college that others might not know?
“Large number of opportunities to students”
We have much more to offer at KROS college apart from regular curricular activities and quality teaching approaches. Every student gets his/her opportunity to explore and showcase their skills. The College is always ready to provide the necessary platform to nurture students and support them. We always try to inculcate best moral values and teachings among students so that they have a prosperous career ahead.
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Given the current pandemic situation, what advice do you have for aspiring students?
“Value your life and time”
Whether it is covid or war time, life will go on and we need to survive, and keep moving forward with positive thoughts. There will always be testing times like this pandemic but we as humans will have to adapt to it and pave paths in order to fulfil our dreams.