Mrs. Arja Ghosh has been working as an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Department and as a Training and Placement Officer at Rajendranath College of Polytechnic, Durgapur, West Bengal. She has done Graduation in CSE from WBUT and M. Tech in CSE as part of her academics. Before joining Rajendranath College of Polytechnic, she has worked as an Executive in a Wipro BPO and as an Assistant Teacher in Mahendra Education institute. 

Rajendranath College of Polytechnic

Being a Faculty of CSE Department, what are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

"Educating students and working sincerely for their overall development is my responsibility"

As a Faculty of the CSE Department, my responsibility is to inculcate the curiosity and self-learning attitude in students. And providing them industry specific knowledge and training, educating them about the latest technologies, developing interest in them for Mechanical Engineering drawings and drafting, encouraging them to do research work also comes under the scope of my responsibilities. Apart from this, I try to inculcate in students an understanding of Computer Design and Drafting, Computer Numerical Control, Automobile Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics Technology etc.

How do you bring in a practical and industry oriented approach towards subjects?

"By analyzing the industrial demands and including the same in my teaching methodologies"

Before educating my students, I first try to figure out what exactly industry is demanding and looking for in our fresh graduates. And then I set my goals in that direction and use all my knowledge and experience to instill new skills in students. Also to bridge the gap between our academic practices and industrial developments by engaging students in various mini-major projects so that they can learn beyond books and develop skills which are in demand in the market. 

Which best practices are offered by your department to the students to help them gain necessary skills?

"Students are taken for industrial visits and we also assign them projects regularly"

For the purpose of enhancing the skills of our students, we keep changing the kinds of workshops which we regularly conduct in our college. And students are assigned various small scale projects where they learn about the manufacture of different working models and also get a chance to implement their classroom learning to find out the solution. Skill enhancement competitions are also there to upgrade their knowledge and practical experience.

What are your views upon the placements and higher education of students of your department?

"Students are trained for the industries through rigorous training programs"

The Placement Cell of our college, in order to make our students industry and job ready, offers various types of training programs, career counseling sessions, technical workshops and personality development training along with sessions on various subjects. And once students complete these training programs, they are asked to give mock interviews and we regularly organize industrial visits and accordingly arrange internships for final year students. And as far as higher education is concerned, we motivate our students to explore higher studies options so that they can understand the depth of the subject well.

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How do you prepare your students to deal with the outside competitive world?

"By encouraging them to stay curious and organizing workshops and competitions"

For the purpose of preparing our students for this outside competitive world, we use different kinds of approaches to keep them motivated, enthusiastic and curious. And we regularly organize competitions and encourage students to participate to make the learning environment more positive. In addition to this, we arrange different kinds of fun activities to teach them skills like teamwork and addition of a little bit of humor during lectures also eases the overall learning and understanding process for students. Also, rewards are offered to students to celebrate their achievements. 

What challenges are you facing to uplift the education quality of your department?

"Reducing students addiction for smartphones is a real hurdle for us"

Although the latest technologies have made our life easier and simpler on a daily basis, many times people have to suffer as well due to these advanced technologies. Take the example of smartphones, they have helped us to stay connected with people all over the world, but at the same time they are directly and negatively impacting the educational sector a lot as students are getting addicted to it and social media as well, so shifting their focus from these smartphones back to studies is a real challenge for us.

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When you joined this college, what was your vision for it and how are you trying to achieve the same?

"Making students technically proficient and ethically strong was my aim"

As a Teacher, I totally enjoy the process of educating the young generation of our college and I try to give my 100% while delivering lectures to students. And this amazing educational sector allows me to interact with students on numerous levels. So While I joined this college, my aim was to work for the personal and professional development of my students.