Today the education sector has witnessed a noticeable increase in educational standards, advancement, and innovations over the last many years. Educational institutions, universities, colleges, etc. have started adopting modern teaching methods through interactive intelligent boards, projectors and smart classrooms, etc. to make the best learning accessible to all. One such university is KK Modi University (KKMU) that stays updated with technological updates to make education more interactive and easier.

What are Smart Classes?

Smart classes are modern methods that offer quality education to the students aiming to get learning outcomes. Technology plays an important role in the introduction of these smart classes. Over the past few years, traditional classrooms are losing their effectiveness as all the schools, colleges, universities adopt smart classrooms at their campus. Smart classes are integrated with the latest technology like visualizers, interactive smartboards, audio-video classes, laptops/computers, internet connectivity, projectors, amplifiers, speakers, and much more.

Unlike traditional classroom learning, smart classes lay more emphasis on in-classroom teaching and learning techniques and using the internet provides students an opportunity to get familiar with web-based online learning. Some of the innovative teaching tools include computers and smart gadgets that make sessions more interactive. Even the campus at KKMU has the best amenities making it easier for the students to live and grow here.

Some of the advantages of KKMU’ fully equipped smart classrooms 

  • Promotes student-teacher relationship: Smart teaching mythology adopted by KKMU helps improve students’ interaction and communication skills. They get real-time blended teaching and learning meeting international teaching standards by the faculties.

  • Make concepts easier: Innovative learning techniques allow students to understand the concepts with ease. It helps them become familiar with the latest education technology, which gets inculcated in the course curicullum.

  • facImproves visualization and creativity abilities: An enhanced in-classroom learning experience helps improve students’ creative skills and ability to think out of the box. It also improves e-learning and Virtual Classroom.

  • Improves academic performance: By making the latest learning tools and technology accessible to students, it helps improve their mental and physical development.

  • Learning at your own pace: Online web-based learning encourages students to learn at their own pace.

In addition to KKMU’s fully equipped smart classrooms, the university also provides a world-class campus. A well-designed educational space not only encourages better learning but gives a peaceful place for students to study and relax.

World-Class Campus at KKMU 

  • Students get a chance to study on a world-class student-centric campus. The campus at KKMU offers an aesthetically vibrant feel, inclusive, technology-enabled and community-friendly atmosphere.

  • The center for Mindfulness & Happiness (Yoga Pavilion) gives students the perfect atmosphere to meditate, learn mindfulness & increase the happiness quotient. 

  • The campus is designed for students’ interaction and innovation. It has 33KV Grid Power with a 100% DG Backup plan making life easier for the students studying here.

  • The university’s campus allows communities to meet and interact with each other and develop strong relationships. It provides a better learning space making learning more interactive and fun-filled.

Smart class technology ensures that quality education is accessible to all and students having a different level of understanding can be a part of these classes. Moreover, implementing this kind of classroom education as a part of the program improves student-teacher interaction and collaboration. One of the interactive learning tools used at KKMU is a digital board that is one of the most common kinds of smart equipment used by educational institutions like KKMU. 

Smart-class learning technology makes students’ overall experience more memorable and interactive. Educational institutes embedded with this kind of technology can produce great learners for tomorrow. So being a part of smart classroom technology helps boost students’ confidence and encourages them to take part in extracurricular activities. 

Apply for a course at KKMU and have an enjoyable Interactive Learning Experience