Dr. Sonal Chabra is presently serving as the Principal at Rawal College of Education, a constituent of Rawal Institutions. She has experience of more than 15 years in different teaching capacities at the M.S.University of Baroda, University of Delhi, and self-financing colleges of Faridabad. She has done Master's in Child Development, English & Education and Ph.D. in Education from Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi. She is NET qualified in Child Development and Education. She has authored around 20 books and published more than 60 research papers. She had actively contributed to the D.El.Ed program of National Institute of Open Schooling through video lectures and live programs telecasted on MHRD channels. 

Rawal College of Education

What is your philosophy of leadership? 

“To direct, guide, motivate and promote teamwork” 

Leadership is a process by which the head or leader can direct, guide, motivate and influence the behavior and work of others towards the accomplishment of specific goals of the institution. The leader should be able to induce the aides to work with confidence and zeal. It is the potential to influence the behavior of others. Leadership is the capacity of the leader to influence a group towards the realization of a goal. A leader should have the desired future vision for the institution keeping in mind the mission and goals of the institution. 

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your college?

“Inbound students are exposed to new cultures and provided with world class facilities”

Theoretical education in professional colleges has a very different system in comparison to other departments of higher education. Students from other countries coming into departments of Engineering and Management would have a holistic experience at Rawal Institutions because they would be exposed to students from different cultures. The industry visits and field visits would help the students to understand the technical realities of the academic intercourse they are experiencing in the classrooms. 

How do you make the Course Curriculum industry-oriented?

“To equip students with the latest technological adaptation and the latest pedagogical practices”

Rawal College of Education makes all attempts to equip the prospective teachers with the latest pedagogical practices, technological adaptations, and research in the field. The college goes beyond the University prescribed curriculum in providing the best of knowledge and practices. The regular visits to different kinds of school set-ups and formal education providers in the form of schools run by NGOs, inclusive schools, and alternative schools – helps the prospective teachers to broaden their outlook and vision for the teaching-learning process and avenues. The youth needs to maintain a connection with the education system and not lose faith. They also need to upgrade their skills through a large number of self-paced online courses available. A good number of MOOC platforms like NPTEL, Coursera and EDX are available which helps the students in the upgradation of their skills. 

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How is your college welcoming to students of different races or economic backgrounds?

“Provides Students with reservation and fellowship Opportunities” 

The curriculum of our College provides a chance for prospective teachers to interact with learners from different backgrounds. There are students from varying religious, racial, and economic backgrounds. We celebrate festivals together and try to learn each other’s culture. 

What should be the top priority of your institute for the next 5 years?

“To strengthen the technical competence of teachers and students”

Any educational institution should have the priorities set in its vision and plan accordingly. The top priority of Rawal College of Education would be to strengthen the technical competence of teachers and students alike. The curriculum practices need to be adapted to make prospective teachers adapt to the global trends and practices. 

What are the greatest strengths of Rawal College of Education?

“Dedicated, Qualified, Inspiring and motivating faculty are the greatest strength”

The dedicated, qualified, inspiring, and motivating faculty of Rawal College of Education is our greatest strength. We have the best teachers in each of our branches. All of them have good teaching experience and are quite cooperative. They help students in the development of both professional and personal spectrum of life. 

What plans are you currently designing for Rawal Institutions?

“Current plan is totally focussed on Faculty development and technology enhancement”

Faculty development programs with a focus on technology advancement would be a top priority. With the onset of pandemic and consequent modifications in the teaching-learning process. – the teachers need to prepare for the next stage of teaching-learning changes expected. 

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How do you establish a healthy environment in your College? 

“Education System of Institute focuses on the overall development of Students”

An environment of open and healthy communication is maintained in the college whereby teaching and non-teaching staff feel free to voice and raise their concerns. Institute focuses on the overall development of the students by establishing a healthy environment. It consists of easy communication and an enhanced learning process.