Interview by Kritika Gupta


Mr. Jagdishwar brings with him a vast experience of working in the co-operative banking sector, where he had brought many changes that benefited the banking staff and the farmers. A man of principles and discipline, Mr. Rao does not compromise on issues of quality. His vision as the Chairman, is to turn the Siddhartha Group of Institutions (Siddhartha Public School, Siddhartha Institute of Pharmacy, Siddhartha Institute of Technology & Sciences, Siddhartha Polytechnic, Siddhartha Institute of Management Sciences) into one of the most outstanding educational institutions of Hyderabad. He is actively helping Ankura and Avi Hospitals grow through mentoring and active investments.

Factors keeping Mr. Rao connected to the education sector

Till date, I feel happy and proud of choosing the education sector as one of my professional careers. The key factor that keep me connected to it – that we have an opportunity to develop our country’s future by training and grooming our upcoming youth. It is in our hands, and we consider it as our responsibility to build them as a better, a highly trained and skilled professional, who will make our country better and advanced

Leadership style and philosophy while working at SITS

As an individual working at this position, I inspire and motivate my faculty to give their best. My leadership style is very simple and straightforward. I make sure to bring along the entire faculty together and work towards the vision created for the organisation. 

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Views on education system in India and abroad

Yes, I do agree with the variation of the educational system offering in the foreign countries. The programs or the courses are designed as per the industry needs and are more practical. While establishing this institution, I made sure to promote Outcome Based Education system, which helped to fill the gap between the needs of the industry and students who are training in the engineering colleges. This indeed, has helped us to make the students more industry ready and practical. 

Students from all cultures and backgrounds are welcomed at SITS

I strongly believe that education should be free to all. Education leads an individual from darkness to light. Students from any race, culture, background are most welcomed to join our institution. We offer various arrangements for students from abroad or economically backward classes as well. It is important for us to impart education to all students in every way possible. 

Duty as the Chairman of SITS

My roles and responsibilities are crystal clear, i.e. I assure to develop and maintain the standards of imparting education in the best way possible. I as an academician, is aware of the ongoing and upcoming trends in the industry, so it becomes my duty to keep the entire faculty updated with the same. 

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Upcoming goals for the Institute

Our Institution is affiliated to JNTU Hyderabad and accredited by NAAC in 2018 and is moving ahead for the NBA expert committee visit in this present academic year. Now, our goal is to turn into an AUTONOMOUS Institution. Apart from this, we want to provide the best of the best infrastructure to our students, innovate new concepts and learn new methods of imparting education to the youth.

What makes SITS stand-out!

Our Vision is “To be a reputed institute in technical education working towards research,

Industrial and social needs”. We are rapidly growing in all aspects and nowhere down to any premier institutions of the state.

We are in the education sector for more than 32 years. When we started this college we had a clear vision towards imparting quality education and promote excellence in academics. We have achieved the same.

Suggestions to the Millennials

Our country is one of the strongest economically growing countries and has more population of youth. The young generation is our strength, they must dream big, fly high, have goals, never stop learning, become an entrepreneur, and finally lead your life happily.