Interview by Yash Panchal

Dr. Ravi Shankar Mishra is working as Associate Professor in School of Mechatronics Engineering in SUAS Indore. Currently, he is heading the Entrepreneurship cell of SUAS (SIMPRENUER) and various startups. He has more than 16 years of research and academic experience and worked within different academic institutions like Lovely Professional University (LPU) with different capacities like Research Coordinator and HOD. He has published more than 32 research papers in reputed international journals and international conference proceeding including SCI, Scopus and IEEE explore.
Dr. Mishra is also a reviewer of many Journals. He has supervised two Ph.D. scholars and eighteen dissertations at PG level. His research contributions have been in the area of designing efficient PUF based circuits to using CMOS for generating the secure key and submitted the project proposal for the same. He has received grants from AICTE under MODROBs scheme. He is a Life Fellow Member of the Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE). His passion is to develop and expand innovative research work through academic integrity.
Dr. Ravi Mishra’s enjoyable experience in the education industry
In my opinion, teaching is one of the most enjoyable ways to a lifelong learning experience and to discover the inner potential. It gives a unique opportunity to share knowledge and free exchange of ideas in a conducive atmosphere.
I think teaching is one of the noblest professions that can bring positive change in a society
Every teaching lesson is a new way for an instructor to rediscover himself/herself. I like teaching most when it is an interactive process in which both the teacher and the students are involved in a quest for finding new directions to expand boundaries of knowledge. For this to happen, a teacher must continuously instill students’ curiosity and keep them inquisitive. Therefore, I think, a teacher should not only impart knowledge but also let students obtain the joy of “discovering something new” through the learning process.
I learned about different strategies to make class instruction more interesting and fun for students. I wish to implement many of those ideas as a faculty member. I like to make use of technology for improving interaction among students and with the instructor outside the classroom. It is best as it is challenging in terms of teaching with new pedagogy, new things, research work, etc. It is also best as teaching gives a sense of satisfaction.
Importance of building awareness about skill-based education
Basic graduation is old as it leads a student to nowhere in this competitive world. Add-on and skill-based courses are more in demand. Even parents are worried about the career of their children and take things seriously.
It is time to start building awareness highlighting the career opportunities that skill-based education would offer in the present global market. It is, therefore, time for students, parents, authorities on their part to understand the importance of vocational education and take the necessary steps towards adopting skill-based education. This could in turn work as a solution for the large unemployed market of India and therein help propel the country towards better progress and prosperity.
Challenges for the Associate Professor of SUAS
The concept of skill in higher education is new in our country. Being a skill university, our vision is skilling India through education. Putting systems and processes in place and change the mindset of students and parent is a challenging task. Bridging the gap between industry and academia is a major challenge in this country which I think can be made possible only by intense industry-academia interaction. For that, our curriculum has provision for an internship at industry ranging up to a year.
The curriculum of SUAS ensuring best practice of industry
Our curriculum is designed by industry experts and our outstanding faculty members who have considerable industry and research experience. We have collaboration with many universities around the world and keep ourselves engaged with them to evolve our curriculum as per international requirements.
Our aim is to produce industry-ready skillful professionals who can start working productively from the instant they join the industry
We focus less on “chalk and talk” component and more on hands-on experiential learning i.e. skill, practical and tutorials. We typically devote 30% of the time to the theoretical component. The rest goes to important things that make them future ready.
The growth of students through placement opportunities available at SUAS
We have a tie-up with different industries. Our industry partners not only setup workshops and skill center for our students but also participated in academics by training our teachers, conducting joint training programs for their own staff as well as helping us to enhance our curricula to align with industry needs. Placements and internships just happen on their own!
To take the advantage of the demographic dividend, the startups and entrepreneurship play a vital role in developing entrepreneurial competencies to push envelop further.
Read more about placements opportunities available at SUAS
Availability for the students
As an associate professor, I have to inculcate problem-solving skills that will help not only the industry but in their entire life. Besides giving regular course lecture, I am always available for them in field work to give the real feel of task completion.
Views on an ideal school environment
According to my opinion, hybrid learning and flipped classrooms will be the ideal school environments for higher education.
Virtual classroom with interactive facilities for education is the trend that will have an impact on technology decision
Time in class is then devoted to more interactions and specific discussions pertaining to assignments and focusing on problem-solving.
Quality that aspiring graduates must possess
Aspiring graduates should ask for the education that will provide them with not only degrees but degree with skills that make them industry ready right from day one of the graduation.
Goals in mind for SUAS for the next few years
We are the first skill university in India and want to position ourselves as one of the top research is driven skill universities in the world. We want our students to solve real-world problems through research and innovations. We also want our students to become entrepreneurs giving employment to others rather than themselves seeking employment and working for others.
Suggestions for the youth
Knowledge workers can make themselves more productive by thinking consciously about how they spend their time; deciding which tasks matter most to them and their organizations, and dropping or creatively outsourcing the rest. “Make Time for the Work That Matters”