Interview by Sakshi Aggarwal

Dr. Jyoti Vyas Bajpai, Director of BFSI - School of Management, SUAS, Indore

Dr. Jyoti is currently working as a Director of Banking Financial Services and Insurance- School of Management, Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences, Indore.

Dr. Jyoti has an experience of more than 15 years in Management Education across institutes at Indore and Jaipur. She also has a rich experience in corporate training and Administration. Her research interests include subjects such as Managerial Creativity, Work stress, HRD issues and Quality of work life.

Dr. Jyoti’s experience in the education industry

My experience has been very enriching in terms of the learning and satisfaction that I get in being the part of a noble profession where my day constitutes the contribution towards building the nation, building the confidence and character of the youth and in the process learning so much from them as well. Being in touch and totally in sync with the young generation is what keeps me going every day and what I love about this profession.

BFSI - School of Management, SUAS, Indore

Dr. Jyoti’s philosophy of leadership and her leadership style

I believe my leadership style is democratic. A leader is the one who needs to have the courage to be fair in the interest of the organization first and the stakeholders next. To be able to take strong decisions without giving into the lure of being popular.

Significant challenges faced by Dr. Jyoti in SUAS

Changing the mindset of all the stakeholders from conventional thinking about management education to the Symbiosis model of Applied Sciences and Skill oriented learning.

Curriculum at Symbiosis University of Applied Science

Unlike any other university, Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences has very actively engaged corporate partners and veteran industry champions who are associated with the university at every step of the way, mentoring and guiding throughout the entire curriculum designing and development and also execution level.

Know about the faculty at SUAS here.

Growth of students through placement opportunities available at Symbiosis University of Applied Science

More and more skilling and exposure with the industry in real time.

Read about the placement opportunities available at SUAS here.

Dr. Jyoti’s relationship with the students

By being available all the time. We have an open-door policy for the students.

Ideal school environment according to Dr. Jyoti and how does she encourage that at SUAS

When education is also about the value education and ethics. The school environment should foster and nurture independent, out of box thinking and learn to see the big picture how the education goes a long way in connecting with the nation’s progress.

Top qualities according to Dr. Jyoti that an aspiring PGDM/Engineering/BBA/Law/Arts student must possess

Learning attitude coupled with the right set of value, character, integrity and ethics.

BFSI - School of Management, SUAS, Indore

Goals in mind for Symbiosis University of Applied Science for the next few years

Be the leading institute to create the next line of leaders in the BFSI industry.

Suggestions for the current youth and the aspiring students

Work hard, there are no shortcuts in life. There is nothing called “smart work” taking over hard work”. Genius is 90% work and 10% luck when that hard work meets the right opportunity. Keep working with sincere devotion towards your goals, persistence, passion and character with the right attitude will get you there. All the Best!