Interview by Bhawna Rawat

Dr. Dipti Chauhan is currently working as the Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science & Information Technology, at Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences, Indore. She has received a Doctoral Degree in Computer Applications from Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal (2016) on “End-to-End Header Compression over Multihop IPv6 Tunnels for Improving Network Performance”. She also received her M.Tech degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Barkatullah University Institute of Technology Bhopal (2011). She has received MHRD fellowship for 4 years for pursuing her Ph.D. Degree from MANIT, Bhopal.
Dr. Chauhan has an illustrious academic career and has 12 years of teaching and research experience. She is an IPv6 Certified Gold and Silver Network Engineer from Universiti Sains Malaysia, NAV 6. Her research interests include Wireless Communication & Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, Next generation networks and Internet of Things.
She has participated in several international conferences, workshops, seminars, etc. and has very good publications in the form of journal papers and book chapters with various international and national publishers of repute.
Education sector provides the maximum opportunities to contribute to the society
Education is the best way through which we can work for the betterment of society and through which we can develop better individuals. Working in the education industry serves the purpose and by giving our best we can help in the upliftment of the society.
Leadership cannot be acquired on your own, you have to win it by gaining people’s trust
My philosophy about leadership is to involve students more in learning so that they may develop their own ideas and transform their ideas into reality.
I strongly believe that leadership cannot be acquired it can be earned from the trust of people.
Adopting the latest technologies is the biggest challenge
We are offering skill development courses at our University. The latest changes in technologies & its adaptation in our curriculum is the biggest challenge we are facing in SUAS. We are giving skilled professionals to the industry so we also have to develop such skill set amongst us as well.
We have the industry people as the members of our board of studies who also contrive our curriculum
The curriculum of SUAS is aligned with the industry standards. Our teaching pedagogy is based on 30: 70 ratio for theory: practical. This makes the students well versed with practical knowledge. At Symbiosis, our industry partners are the members of our Board of Studies and they contribute for designing our curriculum from time to time. Internships are offered at the end of every year so that the students are well versed with the industry culture.
Changes brought by the technology in the education sector
I am in the education industry since last 12 years and have seen a drastic change in this field. Technology is changing drastically so this change is needed to be adopted by the faculty as well. The teaching paradigm has changed entirely so various tools & techniques have to be adopted by the faculty to move with the current trends & technology.
Read more about faculty available at Symbiosis University
Students are free to contact me if they are facing any problem
Being an Assistant Professor of SUAS, I am available to students whenever they have any problem in any subject. I always try to motivate them to come for discussion regarding any problem they are facing.
Goals for the Institute for the next few years
In the next few years, we would like to see Doctoral, new skilled courses & certification programmes to be started at Symbiosis. We have already taken initiatives in this direction.
Suggestions for the students to focus on learning and gaining knowledge
My Suggestions to the youth and the aspiring students is –
“Always desire to learn something useful. The best thing about learning is nobody can take it from you”