Dr. Anupama Gadiraju is the Principal of EThames degree College, Hyderabad. With a Ph.D. in Marketing, she has 20+ years of experience in teaching, training, institution building, and consulting. Throughout her academic career, she has been a principal & founding member of various educational institutions in the region. She also has several education excellence awards to her name. Her life's mission is to work on young individuals to inculcate values into professional education.

EThames degree College

What keeps you connected to the education sector?

Became a teacher to shape the society, forming a better world”

 I feel that any individual who works in the education sector in India needs to have a passion for it. You will find that every teacher is dedicated. So what connects us to education is our passion for it. Engaging with knowledge, imparting of knowledge, and also with young people. I would like to contribute to shaping society. I became a teacher for that purpose.

Being a principal, what is your philosophy of leadership?

“Being in the field, doing the hard labor along with colleagues, Faculty & students”

I would describe myself as a people-friendly person with a hands-on leadership style. I am somebody who gets into the fieldwork and makes an effort to connect to every group. Planning strategies in advance is an essential step for me. We have a commitment towards the student and the students' educational well being. So whatever we do is planned accordingly.

How does the curriculum of EThames College ensure the best practice of industry?

Practical-knowledge based learning, Internships & pre-placement training”

One aspect that most of the educational institutions in our country miss are that of practicality and here at EThames, we take good care of that.

  • Well planned placement office in place, where we have a pre-placement preparation as well as placement program. The rate of placements last year was 98%.
  • Our curriculum is developed in such a way that there is an equal partnership between theory and practice of what is taught. Internships being a major part of it. We see to it that a minimum of three internships are given per graduate by the time they are graduates. 
  • A very well planned, well-toned, curriculum that matches with the current dynamics of the industry.

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How does EThames Degree College ensure that it stands out among other colleges?

“A Planned curriculum keeping students attuned to the latest industry needs”

The first thing that keeps us apart from others is, we believe in striving towards excellence in everything that we do. We go by a planned and balanced curriculum, which not only emphasizes the grass-root level of imparting knowledge but also by attuning them to the industry. So, students are practically realistic in their approach towards studies. 

What do you think is EThames' greatest strength?

“A strong belief in the capabilities of Students & faculty”

The strength of EThames is its students, staff, and, the effort that we put into each aspect of our institution.

What is the institute's top priority for the next five years?

Achieving excellence and establishing our brand name in the field of education”

The institute's top priority for the next five years is to gain excellence in education. We wish to be one of the best places for education, and contributor to society as well as for the nation in the next 5 years. We have a holistic vision about how we are going to shape the young minds. It's not just classroom education, but overall 360-degree development of an individual that is required for a very healthy workforce, and a very healthy society.

Would you like to give any message to the aspiring students of your college, and the current youth?

To trust us as providers of not just education, but morals & integrity as well” 

If you are an aspiring student, our college is going to welcome you with all the motivation and support that a student desires in their academic life. With hard work, dedication, and passion we will help our students achieve their goals for a better future. Strong will power and a positive attitude of never giving up is essential for a student.

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