Director at IMT Hyderabad
Dr. Satish Ailawadi is a Graduate in Chemical Engineering from the University of Roorkee, now known as IIT Roorkee and MBA from the University of Poona with dual specialization in Marketing and Operations Management. He is also M.Phil in Entrepreneurship from Madurai Kamaraj University and Ph.D in R&D Management from Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla University, Raipur. Dr. Ailawadi has worked in the areas of Sales Administration, Product Management, International Trade, Vendor Development, Materials Management, Supply Chain Management and General Management for 27 years in reputed business organizations such as Mitsubishi Corporation, NELCO, NIRLON, and Bombay Dyeing & Mfg. Co. Ltd. He has an experience of 15 years in academics in institutions like Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Management Studies & Research, ICFAI Business School, and K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai. Prior to joining IMT, Hyderabad he has held the position of Director at K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai for four years.
He has authored books on ‘Logistics Management’ and ‘Entrepreneurship’ which are referred to as textbooks in various management programs. He has also published and presented several research papers in journals/ conferences of repute.
He was nominated by the Government of Maharashtra as a part of delegation to the South Asia Initiative at Harvard University, the USA for a workshop on ‘Multi-disciplinary Approach to University Development”.
In the year 2014, he was given the “Best Director” (West India) award by MBA BY Choice.
“Work on to develop your character because reputation is what others perceive, while character is one which defines an individual himself.”
-Dr. Satish Ailawadi
Kindly tell us about your experience in the education industry and what makes it the best industry to work in?
In my opinion, the experience of working in academia is unique in itself as it gives a person an opportunity to touch human lives. As an academician, one gets an opportunity to interact with the students coming from diverse demographic as well as psychographic background which enables a teacher to evolve as a person. This is perhaps the only profession where one can see the results of one’s hard work and enjoy the same through building lives of students who are going to be the future of the country.
To my mind, an academician has a great responsibility of nation-building through moulding the character of students and teaching them not just ‘how to make living’ but also ‘how to live’.
Any of the significant challenges you faced as a Director of Institute of Management Technology, Hyderabad?
As a Director of Institute of Management Technology, Hyderabad (IMTH), one of the challenges faced by me was essentially enhancing the visibility of brand IMTH both amongst the aspiring students as well as the corporates. The other challenge faced by me was in terms of Executive Education. These two challenges were essential because of age of the institute being only six years old since it started in July 2011.
How does your curriculum ensure best practices of the industry?
We have constituted Subject Boards in each functional area consisting of Senior Corporate Professionals as well as renowned academicians from other reputed Business Schools. The process of curriculum review starts with ‘Academic Development & Review Committee’-an in-house committee consisting of Head of various departments which reviews the curriculum and benchmarks the same with the globally renowned business schools. Subsequently, it is reviewed by the ‘Subject Boards’ which goes through a curriculum of each and every course taught in our programs, in detail. After incorporating the suggestions of Subject Board Members, the same is presented to the ‘Academic Advisory Council’ consisting of nationally renowned academicians who are on board of the ‘Governing Council’ for the final approval and implementation.
Apart from the above, we make sure that 15 to 20% of each and every course is facilitated by industry practitioner(s) who brings in the best practices of industry in the classroom.
What goals do you have in your mind for Institute of Management Technology, Hyderabad?
In the clutter of business schools in the country, it is extremely important to differentiate for sustainable growth and in such an environment, I would like to create a competitive differentiation for IMT-H by focusing on:
- Internationalization - Internationalization would include students as well as faculty mobility, both inbound and outbound, wherein each and every student of IMTH gets an opportunity to spend one term and earn the credits in our partner institutions abroad. This will also include organizing summer/winter school at IMT, Hyderabad for students across the globe.
- Executive Education – Executive Education would involve strong tie-ups with different corporates for training their professionals across various functions.
You pride yourself on the level of education and responsibility you teach here to the students. How do you ensure the quality of education in your institution?
We have stipulated the following learning goals of our programs:
- Functional Proficiency & Integration
- Analytical and Critical Thinking Ability
- Communication Skills
- Leadership and Interpersonal Skills
The students are evaluated continuously through class participation, quiz competitions, projects and various other assignments and end term comprehensive examinations. The entire evaluation process is aligned to find out to what extent students have achieved the above-mentioned learning goals. Based on the analysis, the entire learning process is reviewed and pedagogical changes are made, if necessary, thereby ensuring that the stipulated learning goals of our programs are met by the students.
How do you build a positive school culture or climate in your institute?
We strongly believe that the human capital is one of the most critical and important resources in any organization and hence our policies are designed to inculcate nurturing and performance-oriented culture. Faculty, as well as staff, are encouraged to identify their training needs and are allowed to develop themselves on a continual basis sponsored by the Institute. A due emphasis is laid down on the development of self, leading to improvement in their on-the-job performance consequently accelerating the growth of self and the Institute.
How do you tend to establish a relationship with the students?
The institute has a Student Council, as well as various clubs such as HR club, Marketing Club, Finance club, Entrepreneurship cell, Analytics club etc. whereby the students get involved in the governance of institute in context of all students’ related activities such as maintenance, hygiene, mess, gym, guest lecture series, debates, cultural and sports etc. Once in a fortnight on a regular basis, I meet the members of Students’ Council along with Chairperson, administration, wardens and other heads of relevant departments such as IT Infrastructure and Library. These meetings help in understanding the needs and expectations of the students, addressing their concerns and resolving the same resulting in establishing a very congenial relationship with the students.
Further, twice a year Students’ Satisfaction Survey is conducted to understand their experience in the campus in context of both academics as well as administration. Their feedback is taken to improve the processes, wherever necessary.
How do you look at the growth of students through placement opportunities available at Institute of Management Technology, Hyderabad? How do you wish to push the envelope further?
We provide an extensive support to students in respect of placement opportunities and train them in that domain as well as soft skills by conducting mock tests and interviews through external trainers which help the students to face the recruiters during interview process. Apart from the above, the students undergo Psychometric Assessment, counselled and mentored appropriately throughout the year in order to develop their skills to become employable.
What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?
I firmly believe in ETF- ‘Empower’, ‘Trust’ and ‘Facilitate’ model of leadership style which is practised in IMT-H. And this is not just in words, but in action as well. All faculty and staff members are engaged in the Institution building activities in one way or the other.
Any suggestion that you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?
In the interest of national development, it is important for the current youth to understand the importance of inclusive growth and be sensitive to the needs of underprivileged segments of society. They should not only focus on building their CVs but also include and engage all segments of society in developmental activities.
Last but not the least, they should not only guard their reputation but more importantly work on to develop their character because reputation is what others perceive, while character is one which defines an individual himself.