The best education is not the one which provides students with only classroom knowledge, but it is also the one which shapes the students towards personal and career development. The industry today, has been on a constant evolution, each day ushers in a new change due to innovation, for this reason, students need remain ahead of the industry by acquiring career centred and industry centred skills during the course of their academics. For any student who wishes to acquire this career oriented approach to learning, Western India’s Parul University is the best University for gaining such a career centred exposure. Throughout all its courses, the University has developed its curriculum in such a manner which provides students with the best career based exposure from the first point of their studies. Through such an exposure, the students gained the ability to work and relate with the industry in the early stages of their academic journey.
So as a way of imparting this career oriented training, the University has put in place a uniquely structured Career Development Cell, which has been serving the purpose of guiding and nurturing every student towards their dream careers. The cell has been providing the most enriching career based training to the students in preparation for their job avenues in the future. Throughout the year the experts get to equip the students with the required skill sets and competencies which allows them to occupy various job roles, with the best placements opportunities.

Developing Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Communication is one of the most important aspects of any career which a student wishes to pursue. Students who have the ability to convey their thoughts and ideas have the highest preference amongst employers, and for this reason, the career development cell focuses on shaping the communication abilities of every student. The cell creates various platforms where students can develop their speaking skills and language abilities. Through platforms such as debates, group discussions, presentations amongst others, the students are able to shape and develop a unique ability to express and convey their thoughts and ideas. The Cell has also put in place a language laboratory which is equipped with hi-tech systems which allow every student to effectively learn the various speech forms. Through such training, the students will also get to acquire effective interview skills which can increase their chances of scoring lucrative job packages.
Learn from the Industry Experts
Parul University believes in providing every student with a unique industrial experience during the course of their studies. The Career Development Cell has been organising and putting together a series of talk sessions with experts from the industry who have been nurturing the students. Experts from numerous industries have been visiting the campus to share their expertise and insights with the budding young minds of Parul University. Through these talks, many students have been inspired to take up numerous careers in the industry. The efforts of Parul University have gone an extra mile beyond many other Universities as it has been making efforts to bridge the ever-growing industry academia gap. The University has been bringing to the campus various industrial experts to share ideas and innovate solutions which can best offer the students with opportunities to learn and develop their skills. The same gets reflected in the course and curicullum of the university.
Field Training and Industrial Visits
On an occasional basis, the Career Development Cell of Parul University conducts industrial visits which have been centred on providing the students with the most enriching experience of the industry during the course of their studies. It is because of such initiatives that every student who desires to gain the much needed career training should choose Parul University for their comprehensive exposure to career centric learning. Through such field works, the students are able to learn and appreciate the real-time functionality of the industry and provide effective and practical solutions which will be of great benefit during their work. Careers have had a high preference for students who display such in depth knowledge of the industry. Thus Parul University seeks to provide every student with such an exposure all throughout the course of the studies.
All-time record of 16 000+ Placements and Student Internships
The collaborative efforts of the University’s Career Development Cell and Training and Placements Cell has created the most comprehensive learning environment within the Parul University campus. For any student to score the best placement opportunity or to get the most lucrative job offer, they need to undergo effective career based training. The students of Parul University have had endless opportunities to undergo such training through the hands of the most effective industrial and career experts. The Placements Cell conducts over 700 campus drives annually, and the Career Development Cell prepares students for sitting for such drives, through group discussions and interview training exercises. The University has also crafted a unique structure of student internships, which has been allowing the students of Parul University to work and learn all at the same time.
Therefore for any prospective student who wishes to gain the most comprehensive practical training, and to have their career skills enhanced while learning, then Parul University makes the perfect and ideal choice for such an exposure.