Cheran College of Physiotherapy

Dr. Selvarani is the Principal of the Cheran College of Physiotherapy, Coimbatore. She has 22 years of teaching experience in the field of physiotherapy. She wishes to work tirelessly to bring the best physiotherapists to society. Read what she has to say in her interview. 

In your experience, what can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute? 

“Following the international standards of education”

While studying on my campus, the students can expect effective teaching methods, good practical exposure at a low cost. Apart from that we also assist in getting a scholarship and educational roles. What differentiates from the education system in India and foreign countries is the infrastructure provided to explore the practical opportunities for a student. We strive to provide the same opportunities through our Institute. 

How does the curriculum of Cheran College of Physiotherapy ensure the best practice of industry?

“Give students the practical exposure they need to thrive in the industry environment”

At our college, we focus on equal importance for theory and practical sessions. This makes students well versed in skills, experience, and knowledge. We constantly strive to understand the immediate industry requirements. 

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

“To work with full dedication and provide my best”

Effective principals are aware of student progress as well as the best methods of teaching and reaching their students. A principal must help guide curriculum development with teachers providing insight and leadership to meet both student and teacher needs. A leader also needs to be a multitasker for managing teacher-students and smooth operation of daily activities and dealing with emergencies that crop up from time to time. 

Check Cheran College of Physiotherapy Courses & Fees

What do you think should be the College’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Constant up-gradation and staying relevant to the industry”

We want to get organized and stay focused in a continuously changing environment. We want to focus on grades and deliver top-performing candidates. We want to create an environment with mutual respect and trust. We also strive to support students with scholarship assistance.

“Always stay focused and never divert from the path of your way to achieve your goal. Make sure to serve the society in critical needs”

What was your vision for the college? Has it evolved, and how far along in implementing that vision are you?

“Always having room for improvement”

My first and foremost vision was to maintain a high standard of professionalism and quality in all our endeavors. I have been trying to achieve this mission through continuous improvement, and I think I have already brought in professionalism and quality to the institute practices.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see, both for higher education in general and for Cheran College of Physiotherapy specifically?

“Promoting the importance of research amongst students”

There is an inadequate focus on research in higher education. The research-based approach needs to be adopted as soon as possible in higher education. By encouraging research we will produce students who are practically self-sufficient before they get onto the field and start working.