Dr. Paul A.J. has obtained a Bachelor's degree in Electronics Engg, a master's degree in ECE, and a Ph.D. degree in ECE from Cochin University of Science and Technology in 2012. Has been a Senior Scientist in ISRO, India and Professor and Head, Department of ECE in various Engineering colleges in Kerala, and Principal at Carmel Engineering College, Pathanamthitta. At present serving as Director, Toms College of Engineering, Kottayam, Kerala, India. He has 16 research publications in National, International Journals and conference proceedings.
How do you make the Course Curriculum industry-oriented?
“To equip students with various skill sets that lead to innovative ideas”
With the job market getting highly competitive, it’s only obvious that our students have to stand out from other candidates to grab the opportunities. For this to happen, students must be equipped with different skill sets that could help solve problems and bring innovative ideas. At Toms College of Engineering, we give our students real-world scenarios and ask them to solve them. Case studies and innovative thinking are initiated, which helps students get hands-on experience about what’s going around in the industry.
How do you strategize the regular updating process of the Curriculum?
“Course Curriculum should be updated along with the updates in Technologies”
The curriculum has to be updated with new technologies and changes that are coming in the industry. And as we are in the tech and engineering industry, it has to be updated more often than any other stream of studies. To make sure that students learn the latest trends and topics, we keep updating all the major changes in the industry every new batch.
How does your college prepare students for placements?
“To train students in various industry-oriented subjects to make them highly employable”
Placements are one of the most important things a student looks for in a college. Getting placed into their dream job becomes our responsibility when students decide to join Toms College of Engineering. Our placement cell works extremely hard to ensure that all students get placed into their dream jobs. To match the Institution industry gap, we give soft skill training and mock interviews to prepare them for placements and their job. We invite top companies and startups across the country to hire our students and help them get placed.
Do you have extracurricular programs to enhance the skills of the students?
“To ensure the overall development of the students”
Yes, we believe that restricting to just classroom studies and completing the syllabus does not help students succeed in their careers. Our students are given the freedom to express their needs and what they want from the college. We fulfill these needs by giving them extracurricular activities and additional training that helps them learn new skills and solve real-world problems. Several courses are available for students to choose from. Classroom activities and tests are promoted to help students with skills like management & organizational skills.
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What are the challenges you faced/ are facing to uplift the quality of education of your college?
“Providing students with the best educational facilities and updated courses”
An educational institution is always under constant challenges and has to adapt to the changing world.Our mission was to give the best education and training for students, in which we succeeded. Our faculty and management worked hard to bring changes in the educational quality offered in the state and became one of the best Engineering Colleges in Kerala.
What was your vision for college from the start and how are you trying to achieve it?
“To provide quality education by making subjects highly industry-oriented”
My vision for Toms College of Engineering is to be the best engineering institute in the country to provide quality education to students so that they could have a successful career. To achieve this, we work with faculty and management to give the best and latest trends in Engineering to students. Faculty comprises experienced teachers and industry experts who give the students the training they need. An engineering college needs high-class facilities and technologies so that the students can learn better. A good campus gives a positive atmosphere for its students to study peacefully and have no distraction from being successful and that is what we offer in Toms College of Engineering.
How did the college enhance the skills of the Faculty and prepare them according to industry standards?
“Organising enhancement programs for Faculty to make them industry-oriented”
Our faculty members are experienced professors and professionals who have years of experience working in educational and also engineering jobs. To keep them updated, we have meetings and teacher enhancement programs available for them. Apart from these programs, the faculty is self-motivated to bring the best for their students and works hard to keep themselves updated about the new trends. Professors conduct interactive sessions with students to understand what they want to learn and do their best to fulfill those needs. Being well connected with the industry, we can provide information about the industry and educate our faculty members to stay on top of what's going around in the market.
What do you see as the college’s greatest strengths and how it can be enhanced?
“Updated Curriculum. Industry-oriented programs and trained Faculty are the strength”
Toms College of Engineering boasts its amazing faculty, facilities, curriculum & campus. The management is surely the backbone of the college as it consistently works hard to bring the best for the students and their future. At Toms College of Engineering, we give students the freedom and support they need to bring out their innovative and creative side, through feats and programs. We aim to grow to further heights, so we bring in new changes in the market into our curriculum and classroom activities, provide teacher enhancement programs, upgrading our facilities and skill set training programs.
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What advice would you give to the students for them to have a prosperous career ahead?
“Students should focus on the changing demands of the industries and adjust themselves according to it”
Love what you do and never stop learning. Engineering is a rewarding field if you set your heart out for it. You can explore a world of opportunities and solve the problems in the world. Being career-oriented is good, but we have to also care about the world. As engineers, we are equipped with solution-finding skills that we must put to use by helping the world become a much better place. Improving your communication and leadership skills are two of the most important skills to have nowadays to get a good job. Read about what’s going around in the world and try to come up with solutions. Everybody loves a person who has answers and solutions to problems.