Dr. Tridib Sengupta is currently working as HOD (BBA) at The Bhawanipur Education Society College, Kolkata. With a Ph.D. from University of Calcutta, he is a motivational speaker, mentor and educationist working for welfare of students in higher education. He has attended many international seminars and conferences along with conduction of various motivation sessions. Dr. Sengupta has been chief speaker at several International Conferences including ‘Education Management - An Evolving Profession’ and ‘IMPETUS’ - an International Marketing Summit.

The Bhawanipur Education Society College

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your college?

“Enhanced approaches for better quality higher education and development”

We have set on ourselves the duty of ensuring that every young adult who walks into the hallowed portals of the college is equipped with valuable life skills that ensure their success and the socio-economic development of the nation. We also have a number of Career Connect Programmes where we encourage our students to pursue their dreams, providing them with the wherewithal to convert such dreams into professions. By joining the BESC students stretch their horizons and walk out as better human beings, knowledge warriors ready to participate in the process of nation building, equipped with the customary degree and a whole lot more. 

How does the curriculum of your college ensure the best practice of industry?  

“Extremely high opportunities for potential practical exposure”

While the basic academic orientation of the college leaves nothing to be desired, we are known for our hands-on approach to education which consciously aims at freeing the students from the fetters of classroom bound pedagogy. From the maximum number of seminars, workshops and conferences conducted by proven experts, to the opportunity of learning hands on through the organisation’s various events and factory visits the students are literally drenched in opportunities to soak in as much as they want. Add to this, the fact that BESC is totally focussed on providing knowledge to its students as opposed to cramming them with information, we provides enough occasions for students to catch up industrial practical exposure. Moreover, we have some of the best and most qualified professionals as our faculty, aided by state-of-the-art infrastructure that is at par with a completely wired campus with e-enabled classrooms to one of the best libraries of its kind in equivalent academic institutions. 

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What do you think are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?

“Empowering students with skills and education”

To the students we are the ability multipliers and guardian angels who are always there, each and every time they need us. We provide them with the best facilities and keep a watchful eye, without being overbearing or over inquisitive, to monitor their growth effectively. Our students are, by extension, our children: members of the BESC family, for each one of them are a proud flag bearer of the institution, for life. For every student walking into the BESC, the sky is not the limit – we help them soar: mentally, culturally, physically and spiritually, even as they earn their academic spurs.

What would be your College’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Best possible facilities and services for our inbound students”

The BESC would continue without exception to pursue its stated objective of excelling in everything it does. Naturally, the growth in the demand from the student community for admission has developed the need to provide them with exposure to a number of emerging faculties. This has necessitated steps to create a bigger, more integrated campus, work for whose creation has already been initiated. We propose to unveil the swank facilities, and on-campus recruitment rate for creating a large workspace to our students in the coming years.

What do you see as your College’s greatest strengths?

“Unsurpassed learning environment and finest developmental setup for students”

We have over many years evolved a unique ecosystem where academic excellence is only a part of a greater whole, where young adults walk in with dreams in their eyes and walk out ready and raring to turn them into reality. What sets us apart is the fact that we do not lay inordinate stress on having a few academic toppers, but each and every BESC student is primed to be of a certain stock, go-getters armed with degrees. Per capita, we have the highest number of achievers – be it in sports or performing arts, be it academic achievement or entrepreneurship. The BESC is always attracting the eyeballs thanks to a number of reasons – from being a super achiever in terms of academic performance to having successful alumni members in almost every walk of life. Our college is the number one happy-hunting ground for corporate recruiters who are enamoured positivity personified attitude of our students.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education in India?

“Creating suitable employability opportunities and working space for youths”

The biggest challenge, talking from a macro-economic viewpoint, would be to create enough knowledge and equipped warriors, when automation will create huge employability challenges. For India especially, providing gainful employability to our steadily increasing youth power will be a huge challenge in itself. On a micro level, the biggest challenge that we will face is that of constraint of space, as with every passing year, the demand for a place and set-up for higher education is increasing exponentially. We are in the process of creating a swank new campus but the way things are, even that will not be enough in the medium to long term.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the aspiring students?

“Look out of the box – look outside the text books”

Acquire skills that embellish what you like, not what your degree or course demands; for the most satisfying is the work that you like doing effortlessly. Please remember that you must be so qualified that you cannot be replaced by AI and the more capable you are, the more varied are your skill-sets, the better will be your prospects. Industry will increasingly seek performers who stand out and if you equip yourself with the right wherewithal, you are sure to do well.

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How would you describe your leadership style?

“Leadership is an extension of yourself, your everyday life”

You are a good leader when you are a good human being to begin with. In this institution, my job is merely to ensure that the individual paths of my team members, students and staff are made as obstacle free as possible. For, when they attain their individual goals, it all adds up as the achievement of the team, freeing up in the process substantial synergies. I try not to interfere in the micro, individual levels and restrict myself to only communicating the fact that I am there in case my help and support is needed. When people know that they enjoy the faith and trust of the management, they try to put an extra bit of effort which makes all the difference between the winners and the also-rans.