Prof (Dr.) Mojahid-Ul-Islam is the Head of the Department at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lingaya's Vidyapeeth, Faridabad, Haryana. He has completed his B.Pharmacy with a Master’s in Pharmacy in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. He is a GATE qualified professional and has more than 18 years of teaching experience. With more than 50 national and international publications, he has a total of 225 Citations. He has guided 7 Masters students, guided 2 Ph.D. and currently guiding 6 Ph.D. students.

Lingaya's Vidyapeeth

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“A strong inclination and appreciation towards teaching”

I pursued an academic career because I love to teach. Few other professions offer as much opportunity for long-term impact on students as teaching does. It is also incredibly rewarding for me to mentor students. The lack of short-term deadlines also gives me the time to consider a problem over a long period of time.

What is your philosophy of leadership?

“Leadership based on democratic principles”

As far as managing my employees and faculty, I have never acted as a boss. The idea of innovation, creativity, and striving for perfection are always my main themes. Every team has a boss, but what people need is a leader who can help them succeed.

How does the curriculum of your institute ensure the best practice of industry?

“Syllabus includes topics such as Regulatory affairs and PV”

The syllabus of PCI is followed by all pharmacy colleges. We have included value-added courses in the 5th and 7th semesters to make students industry-ready. We included pharmacovigilance in the 5th semester while Regulatory affairs in the 7th semester. The pharmaceutical industry, as well as multinational companies, offer great opportunities for both of these subjects after B.Pharm.

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What would you like people to know about your university they may not know?

“Internationally Recognised Degrees, Approved by AICTE, UGC and PCI”

  • Lingaya’s University is capable of providing students with an extra edge over the competition.
  • We have-Centre of Excellence (COE). In this, collaboration with industry, hospitals, professional bodies, etc is done. The goal is to ensure that students are trained in accordance with the interests of the industry.
  • Internationally Recognised Degrees, Approved by AICTE, UGC and Pharmacy Council of India.
  • Institute-Industry Academia Interaction (IIA). Through this umbrella, the University offered guest lectures, symposiums, and conferences with renowned health sector experts.
  • Training, Placement and Personality Development Cell. In partnership with industry, hospitals, community pharmacies, in the first and second years of pharmacy school, new training modules are developed. Apart from the industrial internships, students also trained at pharmacies and hospitals. 
  • Financial support to students and faculty for research and academic activities.

Are there any placement opportunities for the students?

“Opportunities working as pharmacists, drug inspectors, medical underwriters”

With a range of lucrative Pharmacy career options, B. Pharmacy degree holders can get employed in the private or government sector as pharmacists, drug inspectors, food inspectors, medical underwriters, pharmacovigilance. They can also open an independent authorized drugstore. Many students from our school of pharmacy have been placed in reputed firms. So, the future of students is bright once in our school as we make them future-ready.

What is the most important role you play in your organization?

“Preparation of academic calendars, NAAC docs and conducting BoS”

In my role as Head of Department, I am responsible for all academic operations at the pharmacy school. As part of this process, we prepare all NAAC documents, conduct BoS, and prepare an academic calendar, as well as collect lesson plans from teaching staff. In addition, ensure that the information provided is in accordance with the format and conduct departmental meetings and assess the teacher's performance.

How does your institute deal with challenges?

“Assisting students in dealing with academic issues is the prime focus”

There is much progress being made at this college. Our biggest challenge is helping students overcome their struggles. Finding time to study, understanding course content, and maintaining a high level of motivation are some of the difficulties college students face. Along with meeting these challenges, students usually face difficulties juggling academic demands, work obligations, and social activities.

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Any suggestions that you would like to give to the current youth?

“The youth must focus on self-dependency and hardwork”

I would like to tell the students that if they follow their dreams and work hard, they will shine and achieve whatever they want. Always consider yourself an entrepreneur, self-starter, fast learner, and self-motivator. Do not be afraid of taking risks. For a dream to be realized, it's important to accept that many times you will fall. You are more fortunate than you think, just believe in yourself, and everything will work out for you.