Tahoora Qureshi is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Anjuman-I-Islam’s Kalsekar Technical Campus (AIKTC) with over 5 years of experience in teaching undergraduate students. She guided final-year students in their project endeavors with an outstanding track record of ensuring students' success.

Why do you like to be in the education sector rather than anything else?

“The responsibility for making the Nation a better place with never-ending growth and development”

Teaching is a noble profession and heavy responsibilities are placed on teacher’s shoulders to help mold the future generation of a country. The growth of a country is largely dependent on how we train students to be successful in life. As challenging as it may sound, it opens up new avenues of self-improvement for teachers who wish to contribute to national and global reformation.

What is the key to a successful career in this department?

“The conceptual learning and activity-based practice are the key factors”

The key is to make sure students acquire industry-relevant skills that they look for before applying to any program of study. This is possible when teachers are scholarly and easily approachable. If as a teacher you can help students tap into their potential and make them realize their worth, they normally would be thankful to you for a lifetime. The success of a teacher is largely a measure of how well students are industry-ready and how much of a positive attitude they have when they launch themselves into the job professionally.

Being in such a good position of leadership, can you please tell me something about your leadership skills?

“Decisive solutions and participative leadership to maintain the decorum of institute”

True leadership lies in identifying where students tend to waste their energies and redirecting them towards a future building activity. This can be time-consuming and often requires truckloads of super-human patience. That being said, if students respond positively, it is always a highly rewarding experience. It’s been 5 years since I made an entry into this profession and I still am developing and improving on the above-mentioned skill.

What are your thoughts about the Education system of India?

“The advancement of educational quality to make it better and evolving it to better growth”

A lot has been improved with a lot more to improve. Indian education systems need to work on providing the most relevant knowledge as per the latest technological advancements. Syllabus change should be quick and teachers should be quick to adapt and learn newer things. Application-based learning should be encouraged with a focus on developing engaging content. We have a great knowledge pool that can be efficiently used if proper learning models are developed to expose our students to the ultimate best!

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Tell us something about your institute?

“The evolution of the institute towards becoming the foremost in the Nation”

I often label it as a 360-degree campus where students, teaching staff, non-teaching staff, custodians, janitors, and caretakers are given ample space and resources to grow and better themselves. This forms a holistic environment where teachers and students work together in research teams, solving the most industry-relevant problems. We have generated architects, engineers, and pharmacists who are currently shaping the world as we know it. 

I would strongly recommend this institute to anyone who wishes to be a part of the ever-growing environment that promises to launch careers to new heights.

What are your thoughts about the youth of this country?

“Smart and smart working”

They are smart, outcome-driven, resilient, and ambitious. All the dangerous qualities that a developing nation like India needs to be a future superpower. The question is, are we harnessing their potential and leveraging it properly for national gains?

Which key change have you done in your institute for a better outcome?

“We never did produce quality engineers by just scratching the surface”

I think I have leveraged a quality of mine to help students grasp the more complex concepts. I break them down into tiny imaginary pieces and connect them with an imaginary string. This may not sound much but proves to be an excellent strategy especially if you are looking for students to get to the depth of a topic. 

What are the main challenges do you think of for your institute?

“The lack of leadership and hence, lack of management”

There will always be areas which demand improvements no matter how great an institute. The key for the leaders in position is to identify the weak spots and introduce strategies to strengthen them. There is always going to be scope for refinement in areas of research and placements, with a special focus on improving the quality of outgoing graduates.

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Which things do you do to make healthy relationships with your students and teammates?

“Open communication and understanding among the students”

Listen. Listen and understand. Listen, understand, and give others a chance. Open communication and mutual understanding among the members of the institute to create smooth management. 

How do you set your goals? Just outline the process?

“Start with planning till executing”

  1. Identify a list of activities to do to reach the goal.
  2. Figure out an easy yet effective way of doing each of the activities (This would mean having a time management chart ready)
  3. Don’t give up/slack
  4. Things take time, so be patient.
  5. Once you reach your milestone, celebrate.