Indu Sharma has graduated from Chitkara University with 7.61 GPA. For admission to IBS Gurgaon, she undertook SNAP entrance examination, where she scored 70 percentile. On the basis of SNAP, she got admission to IBS Gurgaon and cleared the selection process. Indu also has a work experience of 27 months as a product analyst in Mobi Serve Pvt. Ltd. Currently, Indu is a PGPM student of IBS Gurgaon and in this article, she shared her admission experience with

Indu Sharma Profile

  • Current institute: IBS Gurgaon
  • Graduation College: Chitkara University
  • SNAP score: 70
  • 10th Percentage / GPA: 9.6
  • 12th Percentage / GPA: 64.56
  • Graduation Percentage/GPA: 7.61
  • Work Experience: Mobi Serve Pvt. Ltd. as a Product Analyst for 2 Years and 3 months.

Check IBS Gurgaon Courses & Fees

Admission Experience

Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?

Indu Sharma: “General (No reservation)”

Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?

Indu Sharma: “The GD was conducted online due to the countrywide COVID situations. My group had 10 members. The group discussion was conducted in a professional manner via Zoom session with everyone having ample amount of time to speak, there were two moderators present monitoring the session with due diligence. After the topic was provided we had around 3-4 minutes to prepare and note down our points. The GD conducted escalated quickly to an aggressive mode because of the points made were contradicting. It was an overall healthy session with everyone leaving with a new point of view. New aspirants should stay aware and have ample amount of examples to support their arguments and I also feel that the First impression is the last impression so choose your words wisely without getting aggressive.”

What was the WAT / GD Topic?

Indu Sharma: "Quality in Education System.”

What were your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively? 

Indu Sharma: “The points put forward were quite simple yet relatable. I made my point by initiating about the degrading education system followed in government rules which followed a set pattern instead of promoting creativity. To support my point I put forward the example of the elementary schools of Japan where students from 1st to 5th standard do not study the set curriculum instead they are exposed to multiple activities to find their inner talent and interests. I also put forward the quality of teachers which is often ridiculed in the popular form of meme.”

Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.

Indu Sharma: “The Personal interview was conducted online via Zoom session. There were 2 members present in the panel who were a part of faculty. The interview lasted around 10 minutes. It basically tested the academic skills as well as how aware are you of the economy. For new aspirants, all I recommend is to stay aware of the surroundings and brush up your academic skills to side by side.”

Check IBS Gurgaon Admission Process

Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them. 

Indu Sharma: “Ques 1. Introduce yourself

Ques 2. Mention the five fictitious assets.

Ques 3. Where do you stand on the current government measures on employment?

Ques 4. Why are intangible assets called intangible assets?

Ques 5. Tell me the good news that you have heard recently.”

Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.

Indu Sharma: “I chose IBS Gurgaon because this college believes in 100% case-based teaching and action-learning experience and the PGPM course provides an exposure to management skills needed for the creation of business leaders. It has an updated course curriculum with current industry standards. It has a better placement record than any other college in Gurgaon area. It has a name that stands for itself. IBS Gurgaon has highly qualified, experienced, dynamic and supportive faculty members coming from diverse field with academic, research and industrial experience.

Check IBS Gurgaon Review

What was the reason for you not converting to other colleges?

Indu Sharma: “I got selected here first and it has a better placement record which is always a plus point while choosing colleges. Also, I was looking for a good college in my home town Gurgaon only.”

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