Dr. S.N.Prasad is serving as HOD at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidalaya, Haridwar. Having several years of work experience as a teacher, he has been an integral part of many conferences and seminars at the national and international levels. Also, Dr. Prasad has participated in many musical events promoting and establishing a niche for Music Education in India. He is a true educationist and influencer serving the students globally. 

Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidalaya

What latest program do you offer that helps students stand apart from the crowd?

“Music as a skill and learning”

At our department, we offer B. A. Hons. (Music) and SEC (Skill Enhancement Course). Introducing music in Bachelors as an honors course helps students to focus on music and related information that is equally important. Being an art form and a skill, Hindustani classical music demands a strong foundation in the early stages of learning. By the end of the program, the students develop a strong base that helps them explore and create new dimensions of the art form. 

What will you say are the best practices in the course you’re offering?

“Choice based course outlines”

This course lies under the Choice Based Credit System which is a student-centric method of teaching. Under this program, students are introduced to the true essence of Indian Classical music that not only provides musical knowledge but also spiritual experiences. We provide regular exposure to Indian Ragas in a very disciplined approach through different classes.

How does the program ensure that students are being prepared for the future?

“Practical implementation of related subjects”

This program will help students to develop critical thinking which enables them to think out of the box. This will help them to fight the competition outside and learn global music as well. Indian classical music is not just an art form but a way of living. We not only build performers through this course but train them in such a way that leads a peaceful life ahead. Apart from the main course of the program, there is a social internship program for the final year students in which the students are trained in yoga, Sujok therapy, Karmkand, etc. 

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How did you train your faculty to deliver this program to the students?

“Regular evaluation and enhancement”

Weekly inspection is done by the head and corrections are made if needed among the faculty members. Daily follow-ups and weekly stage performances of the faculty members are organized to keep a check on their abilities. Also, several training programs and seminars to develop related skills are arranged as well. 

How do you structure the curriculum to make it befitting for the students?

“Improving and improvising already existing content”

We took references from some Universities to design the best syllabus for the students which will not only prepare students for the course but also for higher studies and other competitive exams. Also, we improvised some lyrics of some of the bandish for the sake of purity of Indian classical music. 

What types of projects are students working on through this program?

“Regular stage performances and research”

We offer them opportunities to perform in multiple seminars and stage shows which boost their confidence. Assignments, work programs and dissertations in the final year incorporate research attitudes in them and aid them to explore and learn more in the field.

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What are the benefits of pursuing this course?

“Good and interesting career choices”

By opting for this program, students can choose to be a performer or can opt for teaching as a profession. The course trains them equally well for both. Also, many students opt to open their academy and studio in the respective musical teachings.