Mayank Dohare is a PGP- ABM student at IIM Lucknow and was able to convert IIML with a CAT score of 91.28 percentile. He graduated form Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University with 66.9% marks.

Mayank Dohare Profile

  • Current institute: IIM Lucknow
  • Graduation College: Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
  • CAT score: 91.28
  • 10th Percentage / GPA: 82
  • 12th Percentage / GPA: 69.85
  • Graduation Percentage/GPA: 66.9 

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Admission Experience

Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?

Mayank Dohare: “SC”

Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?

Mayank Dohare: “IIMs mostly do not have GDs, I had WAT as a part of my selection process. It was an offline WAT process, they have provided us the space of around 300-350 words with extra sheets available. We had 2 mins to think on the topic and 15 mins to write on the topic. Always gather your thoughts before starting your WAT answers and try to make a flow of whatever you will write in WAT”

What was the WAT / GD Topic?

Mayank Dohare: "CSR activities of the corporate companies, their pros and cons”

What were your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively? 

Mayank Dohare: “I made the flowchart of my answer before writing anything, such flowcharts help us to gather all the information for the WAT. I talked about the pros part initially like how CSR activities help society and gave around 4-5 points talking about good things about CSR, I provided 2-3 cons as well down the line. Being diplomatic is important, because they just asked me to state pros and cons and so I was not supposed to take sides. I wrote around 300 words, finished on the timeline that we need to have transparency in CSR activities for better implementation of funds and responsibility for the welfare of the society.”

Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.

Mayank Dohare: “There were 10 panels for the interview. I had 2 members in my panel and both were professors. It was an offline interview, so it was better interaction with them. Interview continued for 16-18 mins and it was not a stress interview. It was a formal interaction among us about current affairs and why I want to join MBA college. Both were professors and so they were seeking answers like how I will be useful to country by doing my masters from IIM Lucknow. Always keep smiling, stay confident and if you don't know something then do say upfront still ask them if you can guess the answer or not, such stuffs shows your politeness to admit things”

Check IIM Lucknow Admission Process

Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them. 

Mayank Dohare: “1. Introduce yourself, education background and place

Ans. Most of the students are well prepared for this question, so I said everything about my background and family

2. Why MBA, why MBA after engineer and why MBA as a fresher

Ans. I tried to related my answer with my extra circular activities during my under graduation. I explained about how I felt during handling such actives that I can manage and manipulate people in a good way. I wanted to use this skill in my professional career and so MBA will be the better platform to augment my skills and better use my personal potential to reach better heights.

3. My final year project, favorite subject

Ans. I talked about my final year research project. Well, I was pretty much confident in this answer and so I continued for a long time.

4. Current Affairs, Politics

Ans. I tried to answer in a diplomatic way, because it is not good to hurt sentiments of any political sides.

5. Something about Ahmedabad, which people may not know

Ans. I was well prepared for this answer, I talked about Ahmedabad for like 3 minutes straight, maybe this was the answer which made sure of my selection in B school”

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