Dr. R. Venkatesh Babu is the Pro Vice-Chancellor at Galgotias University. He is a passionate educationist and has been associated with academics, for a long time. He aims to enhance the research-based curriculum, in order to provide better opportunities to students and faculty members.

Galgotias University

What are the key factors that keep you connected with the education sector?

“Being able to impart not just academic but overall knowledge to my students about life”

The most important factor that I consider is that whatever be the designation that I hold, basically I am a teacher. It is this realization that has helped me to continue in the field of education. Being a teacher does not mean just teaching courses; it is about teaching life skills to students, mentoring them, connecting with them. The profession of a teacher is that of building the nation. 

What is your philosophy of leadership? How would you describe your leadership style?

At Galgotias University, the leadership mantra has been to “Lead by Example”

This philosophy is being continuously demonstrated by our honorable Chancellor, Shri. Suneel Galgotia. Walking in the path laid down by leaders like him, I have formed my leadership style with the lessons learned from them. A Leader always leads from the front in challenging times of adversities and helps people overcome those challenges and enjoys their success as his own. The hallmark of a true leader is that he realizes that - a team is as good as its leader and he has to ensure that all team members deliver the best in them.

What can an inbound student gain from studying here in your institute?

We follow the global standards of infrastructure, quality of programs, and teaching pedagogies”

  • The interdisciplinary courses offered across various schools provide the students a mixed flavor of the courses unique to each school.
  • The highly qualified and trained faculty mentor the students helping them in identifying the strengths, find out their weaknesses and help overcome them. 
  • The various student clubs, professional bodies, industry linkages, guest lectures, seminars, conferences, give an insight into the latest trends that are happening in various fields. 
  • Every student graduating from our university is equipped with the latest technological know-how to climb the corporate ladder.

How does the curriculum of Galgotias University ensure the best practice of industry?

“Curated by industry experts, our curriculum has all the essential elements required for an individual's academic growth”

The programs offered at Galgotias University have been designed with the inputs of industrial experts who are in the thick of things and know the industry requirements. Regular update of the curriculum and syllabi along with the supplementary skill-based courses in the form of certification programs is prevalent. Summer internships, Credit transfer schemes, fast track option with the Major / Minor specialization in programs, ensure that our Galgotians are the most sought after by the companies when it comes to placements.

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Any insights into how your university could be more welcoming to students of different backgrounds?

“Scholarships, and Earn while you learn schemes for those from financially weaker sections”

  • The well-established “International Students Office” provides all the necessary help to the foreign students.
  • The various extra-curricular activities in the form of the Annual inter-college cultural fest, inter-university sports meet, etc., offer the students a platform to showcase their skills. 
  • We provide scholarships to students from economically weaker sections, awards, and cash prizes to top performers. 
  • The “Earn while you Learn” scheme is offered by the School of Hospitality in the form of paid internships.

What do you think should be the University’s top priority over the next 10 years?

“Our focus over the next ten years is on strengthening our research capabilities”

This can be achieved by investing in the latest equipment and processes, investing in human capital by recruiting young researchers and inviting renowned researchers to provide leadership. Such an encouraging ambiance would result in quality research outputs in the form of scholarly research articles, patents, and consultancy projects.

What has been your vision for the university? 

“To become an academic university that imparts skill-based and research-centric knowledge” 

My vision as shared with the top management of Galgotias University is to develop the University as a research-oriented teaching institution. 

The management has been very supportive of my mission in the form of financial and moral support. We are one of the leading private universities in the country to have the highest number of patents filed and published during this year.

What would you like people to know about your university they may not know?

“We are an established and trustworthy name when it comes to ethical practices & advanced education”

Galgotias University is a popular name among the students, parents, industry, and other stakeholders. Each of them has seen us from their perspective and have appreciated our efforts to make continuous progress. We would like to be known as the top Private University in the field of technological innovations and research.

What are some of the biggest challenges you see for higher education?

“The advent of online education is the biggest challenge that most of the Institutions face” 

We at Galgotias University have a clear understanding of the fact that “Effective use of Online Teaching and Learning” as supplementary support to traditional Classroom teaching. One of its modern forms is Flipped Classrooms and Blended Learning, which would help us in embracing this change.

Any suggestions you would like to give to the current youth and the aspiring students?

“Leave behind the age-old concepts of basic jobs & looks towards being a Job creator”

The time has come to look beyond the scenario of being Job Seekers where there is not much room for the lakhs and lakhs of graduates coming out of the thousands and thousands of Institutions across the country. Instead, they should be Job Creators making use of the various opportunities around them to realize their dream of becoming Successful Entrepreneurs.

What are some plans that you’re currently (or will be) designing?

“A global collaborative effort to give widespread opportunities to our students”

Introduction of a Flagship Program on Technology and Management is our ambitious project in the pipeline. This program would be offered as a Dual Degree Program by partnering with a premier International University.

Click Galgotias University Placement

How do you tend to establish a healthy environment in your institute?

“Student Centric Approach is the key to establishing a healthy relationship in any institution”

As a Higher Education Institution, Galgotias University follows a Student Centric Approach when designing any policy related to academic or administrative practice. It is this collective wisdom ably supported by the Management that makes us one of the Leading Private Universities in the Country.