Dr.A.Vimala Juliet is currently working as HOD EIE at SRM INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY - [SRM IST] KATTANKULATHUR, CHENNAI. She has published several research journals, reviewed publications, authored a few books, book chapters and has a vast experience of working in academic and industrial fields. Along with having a number of awards and accolades to her credit at national and international level, she has also worked on various government funded and private projects in the field. On August 1, 2021 she became a professor on rotation basis. Also, Dr. Juliet has many patents registered under her name.
What are your roles and responsibilities towards the students?
“Quality educational and academic practices”
My responsibility to my students primarily include, but are not limited to, exceptional course delivery, supervision of guided projects, evaluation of course work submitted by students, periodical academic and career advising in accordance with the academic regulations of the university. Additionally, and personally, ensuring the research throughput of the department is consistently increasing at par with global industrial standards and the highest within the Faculty of Engineering and Technology are the roles I take part in.
How do you tend to establish healthy relations within the Institute?
“Proper organization and functioning within the team”
Key to ensuring a healthy relationship with peers is proper communication, and seeking to do well. In that regard, I usually take on responsibilities as an HOD in my day-to-day work that makes me professional with both my fellow faculties and students. I always try to be enthusiastic and passionate about what I do, be organized and punctual, and make the concepts simple for students to learn and enjoy. I maintain a balance between theory and practical to not overwhelm the students and maintain focus – Quality over quantity. Respecting boundaries between colleagues, being empathetic and supportive towards all peers, attentive and detail oriented in all my responsibilities are helpful in establishing a good working environment for all.
How do you try to bring in a practical approach towards subjects?
“Industrial integration via experts, visits and teaching process”
Industry experts are involved in framing the syllabus, and few laboratory sessions and theory classes are handled by the eminent people from industry itself. In my perspective and experience, curriculum designed towards cutting edge industrial standards often tend to be more practical which makes it easier for referencing it practically during course delivery. Understanding concepts theoretically is possible but not as effective as explaining it by referencing the real-life use in industries. As technology advances, we often have the means and methods to advance teaching methodologies as well. Explaining the concepts through educational videos, and simulations proves to be more effective and comprehensible to the human brain than orally explaining them for 45 minutes. This not only increases teaching efficiency but significantly improves student’s focus and research throughput as they conceptualize the theories making our teaching standards to be at par with many international universities.
What are the best practices offered that help students gain necessary skills?
“Quality laboratory practices and upskilling”
Adding a practical component to a theoretical course, and working through minor and major projects which are industry focussed and unique help students acquire knowledge and skills at the latest. Cutting edge labs with advanced software and uninterrupted access to them, incubation centres within the department for the students to gain hands-on experience and providing extra credits for their voluntary involvement in certain projects are some of the practices we follow. Apart from this, we have a Centre of Excellence (CoE), active Industrial Collaborations and MoUs, Industry run labs and appropriate infrastructure, Industry oriented and Alumni mentored curriculum design that upskill our students. Internship offers and Industrial visits, students abroad program and societal contribution are also a part of institute curriculum.
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How do you strategize the curriculum and make it befitting for the students?
“Standard approaches for active professionalism”
Curriculums often require constant revision to make the students to be at par with the industry and engineering standards when they graduate. The goal is to make a graduate with equal skills to be an Engineer and an industry professional. Curriculums should not focus predominantly on making the students industry ready, but to ensure the students get overall skill enhancement and practical experience across all topics as well. This will differentiate between producing an Engineer and an employee working in a company. The International Society of Automation (ISA) has a student chapter at SRM University and students actively being part of it is one of the many initiatives at the department level in addition to student-led conferences and conclaves.
How does your department prepare the students for higher education?
“Guiding the students appropriately towards their future goal”
As a faculty I personally consider my role to give a positive impact on this to students. The overall development of students must also focus on their decision-making skills and to be educated in such a way that they should have the ability to decide whether they want to get placed or to pursue higher education. Career advising at department level, in addition to faculty level, should be an option for students along with academic advising. This increases research throughput as the students realize the requirements for higher education if they choose to pursue one, and also prevent rejection of multiple job offers. Students, nowadays, do not have a clarity about what they want to do until they attend placements which is too late for them to decide and even then, most of their decisions rely heavily on their peers rather than their interests. This results in massive unemployment following graduation or the students get placed in a job that is not a fit for his/her skill sets.
How do you help your students to cope up with the high competition outside?
“Building up a constructive and informative mindset”
As a faculty and HOD, my focus will be to make the students ready for what they want to do following their graduation. As an educational institution, it is our responsibility to provide necessary resources for them to be well equipped to face the professional challenges they are presented with. Educating the students about the reality and what is expected of them as a solid citizen in this competitive society will help them handle rejections. Setting up a positive mindset to face all situations is critical in today’s world and as professors working closely with the students, we have the opportunity to impact such changes. Some of the most common challenges the students experience following graduation is the difficulty to fit in an organization environment. Having a professional student body exposes students to the reality of an organizational structure, challenges and opportunities that comes along with the job as they get employed. Encouraging students to actively take part in various student teams within the university and the program itself is often encouraged.
What challenges did you face to uplift the quality of education of your department?
“Continuous improvement, faculty training and academic funding”
Every department/faculty has its own drawbacks or difficulties that need to be addressed but takes its own time. Industry 4.0 in the rise, the necessity for the faculties to be abreast of all the technical advancements scouring through the field of Engineering every day becomes essential in order to update the course, therefore, in turn ensuring the students are up to date with current trends. Industrial training, being a critical part of our course curriculum, is often difficult. Finding contacts at more relevant industries offering training for the students in a more relevant industrial setting corresponding to our curriculum. As a result, students go through training that may or may not be relevant to the specific curriculum of the department. Moreover, several initiatives require funding from the university. To conduct conferences inviting industry experts or conducting workshops for various certifications or technical applications requires funding. Establishing a balance between implementing ideas to develop the department and doing it within the allocated budget is often a challenge that puts the quality of the department and the funding on a pedestal.
What is your vision and how are you trying to achieve the same?
“Ensuring unique learning experience and global excellence”
When it comes to learning, I believe it is more of an experience than a process. The way we learn, what we learn including the ambience have huge impacts on productivity. Ensuring the students receive an experience they deserve and faculties deliver an experience they prefer is a constant vision. Being attuned to industrial and technological advancements in the field, continuous training, extensive research projects and multiple patents are few of the steps I take on a regular basis every single day to leave a mark in the global academic community.
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How does the curriculum of your department ensure the best practice of the industry?
“Well balanced practical and theoretical learning”
A curriculum that focuses on a deep knowledge of practices and tool kits employed in the industry familiarizing students with concepts of various instrumentation and control techniques. Consideration for both long-term and short-term advancements while undertaking current projects, we ensure product reusability and idea expansion minimizing waste having consideration for lean methodologies. Also, alumni and experts from Indian National institutes and eminent people from industry are involved in framing the syllabus. Frequently, the syllabus is upgraded to the current changes in technologies.