Dr. Tanuja Singh has been working as an Assistant Professor in School of Management Studies at Sangam University, Bhilwara, Rajasthan. She is also a research guide and works as an IQAC cell member. She has done BBA, MBA and PhD as part of her academics. She has also qualified UGC NET JRF in 2010 and completed her PhD as a JRF and SRF. She has written at least 10 research papers in various UGC Care, Scopus and ABDC index journals.
Being a faculty, what are your responsibilities towards the students?
"To offer them finest quality education and guide them at every path"
As a faculty, my responsibility is to make our students learn how to live a disciplined life and impart good quality theoretical as well as practical knowledge to them.
How do you establish healthy relations with the students and fellow faculty?
"By being a good communicator, a good listener and trusted friend of my students and colleagues"
For the purpose of ensuring a good relationship with my students, I never leave any opportunity to communicate with them, listen to their queries and address their academic issues. In addition to this, I appreciate their achievements when I feel there is a need to do so, and discuss interactive topics with them, providing them with the relevant information they want. And I never give any false hopes to them, and only promise those things which can be fulfilled. And when it comes to my colleagues, I refrain from getting involved in things like spilling secrets, gossiping or disparaging colleagues' administrators. Basically by ensuring a relationship of trust and respectful communication, by being a good listener, by being honest and showing helping nature and making them believe that they can rely on me is an essential first step in developing lasting connections with them, I maintain a good relationship with my colleagues too.
What is your philosophy of leadership?
"Leadership is all about giving appropriate environment to your team to grow as per their skills"
In my opinion, strong educational leadership enables both successful and dysfunctional institutions to flourish. The best principals and administrators create learning environments at universities where teachers can thrive and students may achieve success. And true leaders accomplish their goals by setting clear goals for their team members, by encouraging team members to showcase their talent and giving clear direction. Being an Assistant Professor, I make sure that students learn and succeed in whatever work they do. I have also given them a supportive ambiance through which they can share their academic and sometimes the personal issues as well.
How do you strategize and update the curriculum to make it befitting for the students?
"By thoroughly analyzing students academic requirements"
I strongly believe that developing a curriculum is not about drafting the best lesson plans or the ideal collection of in-class projects and tasks, instead, it's about serving the requirements of the students in a way that guarantees the knowledge is retained, used outside of the classroom, and comprehended. Hence we rigorously analyze our students' requirements and keep in mind our vision while drafting and updating the curriculum to include the latest programs and discard the old ones.
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How do you build a positive ambiance in your college?
"By resolving issues on time and giving such environment where differences can be cherished"
I believe that if a faculty culture is generally dysfunctional i.e. if interpersonal conflicts and mistrust are frequent, issues are infrequently addressed or resolved. Hence I use a very simple strategy in my case and that is I never leave any issues unaddressed or unresolved be it with my students or colleagues.
How can parents, teachers, friends and neighbours know what a student is interested in?
"By engaging them in activities of their interests and communicating with them regularly"
We should make an effort to keep them engaged in constructive and goal-oriented activities. One of our most important duties as a teacher is to motivate our students to study, set realistic goals for themselves and enjoy life to the fullest. And to understand what students actually want, we should continuously interact with them by creating a positive and transparent communication environment.
Which extracurricular activities are organized in college to enhance the skills of students?
"We organize sports events, cultural activities and events like workshops and seminars in college"
We all are well aware about the fact that extra-curricular activities give a platform to utilize their skills and knowledge in different contexts and help them to learn about themselves. Hence activities and events like volunteering tasks, sports activities, social programs, research activities, annual fest, orientation program, fresher's party, off stage events, games, conferences and workshops are regularly conducted by our college to foster collaboration, leadership, problem-solving abilities and life skills in students.
What challenges have you faced while uplifting the education quality of your department?
"Communication difference and lack of time for teachers to give good quality education to students"
We have confronted different kinds of issues at different levels, but some of the prominent roadblocks were the communication gap between students and us and between students, lack of teamwork and group activities and unequal distribution of work among faculties. And sometimes faculties get engrossed in other work so much that education quality gets affected badly. So there is an urgent need to revamp our education system and develop an appropriate teaching pedagogy to enhance students' interest in learning.
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What approaches do you bring in apart from curriculum to teach the students?
"By using teach-review-reteach method and ensuring their participation in non-academic activities"
In addition to the syllabus given in the curriculum, I teach them by using approaches like building cordial relationships, modifying the environment as per students need, controlling sensory stimulation, altering communication techniques, giving prompts and indications, employing a teach-review-reteach method and fostering social skills in them. I believe students should feel valued and appreciated in classrooms and equal opportunities should be given to them to learn things. Apart from this, I ensure to maintain a good ambiance in classrooms where cultural and ethnic differences should be celebrated instead of differentiating students on these basis.
Any valuable advice which you would like to give to the students to have a prosperous career ahead?
"Keep upgrading your skills, make new friends and keep chasing your goals through hard work"
College is not just to gain practical knowledge but it's a place where you will be surrounded by people having different mindset and technical skills and resources who really want to see you grow in your career. And hence I would suggest my students to keep looking for internship opportunities where they can utilize their skills and keep participating in work-study programmes, if possible. In addition to this, keep updating yourself in terms of technical competence and communication skills, start your day early, give full focus towards your studies and work you like to do, maintain a balance between your personal and professional life, follow your passion instead of walking the road others are travelling to, stay motivated, enhance your networking and keep looking for businesses on social media instead of mindlessly scrolling it.