Making your dream career a reality is what every aspiring student wants. On May 6, The Himachal Pradesh Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Commission (HPPERC) held a mega job fair at Bahra University for all higher education institutions, universities, and colleges. This job fair was the 2nd in the HPPERC's series of joint placement drives. At the job fair at Bahra University, the respectable Chief Minister-Shri Jairam Thakur, Education Minister-Govind Singh Thakur, and Chairman of the HPPERC-Maj- Gen Kaushik SM graced the event with their presence. Himachal Pradesh Governor Rajendra Arlekar was the chief guest at the conclave to empower the students. Maj. Gen. (Retired) Atul Kaushik, Chairman of the Regulatory Commission, greeted the Chief Minister and other dignitaries in participation. He mentioned that this placement drive was held as a result of Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur's motivation. Over 1600 young people have registered for this placement drive and praised the industries for coming to Bahra university's campus.
More than 35 Top National & International Companies participated at the job fair to offer job opportunities for the students in the fields of engineering, management, pharma, agriculture, journalism, hotel management, & nursing for 2020, 2021, & 2022 pass out students, as well as ex-servicemen from Shimla, Solan, & Sirmour districts. Jairam Thakur thanked the entrepreneurs for taking part in this mega event, which has given hundreds of young people in the state job opportunities.
Bahra University was preferred as a spot for the Chief Minister's launch of the Online Information Management System 'Disha' under the Himachal Pradesh Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Commission, which will allow students to easily access the right information. He stated that with the implementation of this system, information about private universities and institutes, including staff, courses, facilities, and degrees, would be available online. This will benefit not only the locals but also the students at the training institutes, he added. 50+ Recruiters and 1000+ Job Opportunities were offered at the Mega Placement Drive at Bahra. This was a life-changing opportunity for nearly 725 students, hired in their fields with average pay packages of more than 6 lakhs. On the occasion, the Chief Minister offered the Job Letter to the selected candidates and interacted with the candidates who had registered for this placement drive. The Chief Minister stated that organizing the Joint Placement Drive at Bahra was a commendable step that provided a platform for students studying in private and government educational institutions in the State to find employment. He stated that this joint placement drive has included Universities, Colleges, ITIs, and Polytechnic Institutes. Hundreds of youth were chosen in about 50 large companies participating in the Drive on a good package as a result of this, he added. According to Jai Ram Thakur, the State Government launched the “Mukhya Mantri Swavalamban Yojna” scheme for young people aged 18 to 45 and women aged 18 to 50 who want to start their own businesses and to empower youth entrepreneurship.
Bahra became the talk of the town as students who took part at the Bahra placement drive had a fantastic opportunity to be a part of it because renowned speakers from various fields were invited to share their insights and knowledge on the conclave's selected aspects. Being a part of HPPREC was a source of gratitude for Bahra University. The primary goal of Bahra is to illuminate and brighten the careers of the next generation. Bahra has become the first preference of potential students in Himachal and neighboring states for higher and professional courses as it takes various proactive measures to ensure the best for the upcoming generation.