The Institute of Management, Nirma University (IMNU), is a center for learning that endeavors to recognize the true potential of every individual. It also ensures that they receive the best preparation and training for achieving their career ambitions and life goals, creating future global leaders. Leaders who reflect and demonstrate values that the university stands for through innovation and continuous improvement in the facilitation of learning, research and extension activities
When it comes to pursuing a BBA-MBA integrated course, the Institute of Management, Nirma University is one of the best MBA universities in India. Why? As one of the top integrated BBA MBA colleges in Ahmedabad, the course structure is designed to give you credits that count directly towards your MBA. No longer do students have to convert their credits or opt for an additional year to pursue an MBA.
The course structure, including the key specializations, are taught in a manner which helps prepare students for an MBA degree rather than simply graduate with a BBA degree. IMNU helps you prepare better as leaders in the business world, post their graduation. Since the course structure closely mirrors that of an MBA programme, students are given a clear pathway towards success at the middle-management level. They come out better prepared and have a deeper relationship with the subject matter.
About the Programme:
This is an innovative programme that combines the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, i.e. BBA and MBA. The first three years include six semesters (two semesters each year) and the subsequent two years comprises of four semesters (two semesters in each year). Since IMNU is the best BBA institutes in Ahmedabad, this programme also provides an exit option at the end of the third year i.e. at the end of the U.G. Phase. On successful completion of the first three years, a Bachelor's of Business Administration Degree is awarded to the students who choose to exit the programme at this point. On successful completion of the subsequent two years, an Integrated BBA-MBA degree will be awarded.
Key Distinctive Features:
- The IMNU provides a unique undergraduate management programme with the opportunity to gain minor specialization in Engineering Basics and Information Technology.
The benefits of this opportunity are:
- Helps develop integration skills
- Increases receptivity to emerging knowledge and skill requirements
- Enhances employability opportunities
- By opting for this programme at IMNU, one of the best integrated MBA colleges in Ahmedabad, you have the opportunity to specialize in various management areas such as Marketing, Finance, Operations, Strategy, Human Resource Management, etc. once you progress to the MBA level of the programme.
- As one of the top BBA colleges in Ahmedabad, IMNU boasts of experienced faculty and innovative method of teaching which comprises of a proper mix of theory and practice that provides opportunities for participatory and experiential learning.
- All students are given the opportunity to gain experience from the credit based social and industrial internship during summers.
- Various activities for overall personality development of the students.
- Outcome-Based Education System.
The Programme Achievement:
After undergoing this programme at the best BBA-MBA integrated course college in India, the student will be able to:
- Inculcate a global mindset
- Analyze the socio-political-economic environment of business organizations
- Communicate effectively in different contexts
- Develop functional and general management skills
- Build and Demonstrate leadership, teamwork, and social skills
- Evaluate different business problems using analytical and creative, and integrative abilities
- Develop ethical thinking.
One of the core advantages of doing a BBA-MBA integrated course in Ahmedabad from IMNU is the fact that you can maximize your career impact in a dedicated span of time. At IMNU, you can learn and understand better since the MBA approach is applied right from the time the BBA curriculum is implemented.