Interview by Bhawna Rawat

Dr. K.V.N. Prasad, ITM Business School

Dr. KVN Prasad is currently working as the Director of ITM Business School, Warangal. In an exclusive interview with, he shares his views on the education industry in India and talks about his school.

Dr. K. V. N. Prasad’s experience in the education industry

I have a wide experience in the education industry. I have worked with many reputed colleges and institution in the last 24 years, teaching and training undergraduate and postgraduate students. I experienced the transformation of the education industry. At present, the focus is on practical aspects, job-oriented skills rather than theoretical concepts. Teachers have become facilitators and focus is on innovative oriented teaching. Students are smarter and have unlimited access to different sources of information than older generations. India has an important place in education since ancient times and had been a contributor to the education field in many ways. Education sector helps in teaching and training other sectors. In India education is developing very fast and it is home for around 850 universities as of April 2018. Many new streams have developed, and new areas are opened in education. I think it is the best industry to work because it throws different challenges in training the students and meeting the changing requirement of the industry.

Significant challenges faced by Dr. Prasad as the Director of ITM Warangal

The challenges faced at ITM are:

  • Managing the expectations of students as they come from different streams, background, and cultures.
  • Making a schedule and Training the students as per the corporate requirements.
  • Encouraging and motivating the academic team (Faculty) and guiding them to update as per the trends of the industry to help the students.
  • To update the curriculum with industry and to plan the creative extracurricular activities for the students.

ITM Business School’s Curriculum

The curriculum at ITM, Warangal is dynamic as it is updated every year according to the changes in industry trends.

The main highlights of the curriculum are the NGO and IIP project

 NGO project provides an opportunity for the students to inculcate the social service which they undergo for 15 days and 5 Months Industry Internship Program, which exposes the students to the corporate world. It makes the students understand the challenges and gives a chance to deal with it, which makes them even stronger to lead their career in the future. The inclusion of courses like career management, Lifestyle management, and competency enhancement module helps students in preparing not only to get placed in good company but also to plan his career effectively.

Goals for ITM, Warangal

The goals we set at ITM Warangal are very clear:

  • Imparting conceptual knowledge and training students not only in getting placement in good company but also building a strong foundation of their career.
  • Exposing the students to the corporate environment through IIP.
  • Making better citizens by inculcating passion to help the society through NGO project.
  • Try to bridge the gap between corporate requirement and students available through the better curriculum.
  • Corporate and academia interaction through the lectures, workshop by corporate executives and leaders.

Dr. Prasad on ensuring the quality of education at ITM

The quality of education is ensured in the way we teach or impart training. we adopt includes lectures and more of student involvement in terms of assignments, workshops, paper presentation and more. Our evaluation includes all these which are taken periodically. In addition to this, students participate in public speaking, group discussions, and mock interviews which enhances their skills.

Dr. Prasad on establishing a relationship with the students

At ITM, Warangal we maintain a cordial relationship with students. We assign a mentor to the students, who guides and nurtures them 2 years of PGDM. After the completion, course, we have a very good alumni relationship which makes ITM stronger.

The growth of students through placement opportunities available at ITM Warangal

The growth of students through placement opportunities available at ITM, Warangal is immense.

We generally advise the students from the beginning not to think of placement, rather than plan for their career

which is more important. We prepare the students through academic and non-academic activities which gives them a good opportunity to secure placement in a good company. We are trying to inculcate the entrepreneurship skills in the students so that they can take up a job in the beginning through campus but after a few years, they can start their own business if they want. In addition to this, we are bringing new companies from diverse industries with different job profiles. We have added many new companies this year to our corporate list of industries for placements.