Abhaysinh Shirole graduated from SIES College of Arts, Commerce & Science with a 7.1 CGPA. He appeared for the SNAP Exam and scored 93.14 in the same, leading to which he got admission to Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Bengaluru.
Abhaysinh also has multiple work experiences in Amura Marketing Technologies for 1 year 8 months in the field of Content Marketing & Copywriting, and a 1-year experience as Content Consultation at Neuleaf Lifespace.
Abhaysinh Shirole Profile
- Current institute: SIBM Bengaluru
- Graduation College: SIES College of Arts, Commerce & Science
- SNAP score: 93.14
- 10th Percentage / GPA: 78%
- 12th Percentage / GPA: 63%
- Graduation Percentage/GPA: 7.1
- Work Experience: Amura Marketing Technologies - 1 year - 8 months - Content Marketing & Copywriting, Neuleaf Lifespace - 1 year - Content Consultation
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Admission Experience
Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?
Abhaysinh Shirole: “General (No reservation)”
Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?
Abhaysinh Shirole: “It was 2019, so thankfully, it was offline, right at the Campus of SIBM Bengaluru. 100+ students were on campus together on one day, and the entire process would generally last for around 2 weeks or more. All students were divided into panels of 12 each and sent to the classrooms for GEPIWAT. There were two parts in total:
1) WAT - The written ability test, for which, each student was given a sheet of paper, pen, and pad, and then a video was shown on the projector and finally a question was asked in the end. We were given 10 minutes to write down our views on the sheet.
2) Group Exercise: A sheet of paper was handed to us with a written passage containing the problem statement. We were supposed to step into the shoes of the Board of Directors of the company given in the problem statement and discuss solutions.”
What was the WAT / GD Topic?
Abhaysinh Shirole: "WAT Topic: Is Nationalism a hindrance to progress?
GE: US President Donald Trump has pressured Harley Davidson to produce its motorcycles only in America and not take advantage of cheaper labor in the Asian Market. Giving in to his pressure would mean higher costs of production and significant pressure on our already thin operating margins. What do we do?”
What were your answers/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively?
Abhaysinh Shirole: “WAT: In the past, nationalism has rallied countries and given them a singular focus: eg. Soviet Russia during the space race, China between 1980 & 2020, USA during WW2. Standard of living grew leaps and bounds during these periods for all the countries. However, it is the excess of it that can truly hamper its progress and create failed states such as Somalia and Cambodia. Hence, just like inflation, a bit of Nationalism is what a country should ideally nurture, not a lot of it.
GE: Solutions mentioned: Brand Acquisitions across Asia as Auto Sector was on a downturn, new product evolutions for the burgeoning EV market, and streamlining production units across North America for better cost efficiency.”
Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.
Abhaysinh Shirole: “There were, in all, 10 panels with 2 interviewers in each panel. The interviewers were college faculty and industry professionals.
Interview duration was always more than 20 minutes for each student and it was both a stress interview for a few and a normal interview for a few. Mine was a normal interview where I was asked about my profile, my work ex, and more.”
Check Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Bengaluru Admission Process
Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them.
Abhaysinh Shirole: “Q1 - Tell me something about. Answer: Everything that wasn't on my resume, My second job, my interests in the Stock Market, a brief overview of my freelance work, and more.
Q2: Why MBA?: Answer: Had worked in Advertising, Content Marketing and believed that MBA marketing would help me understand this field even more. And generally just to educate me + networking + new opportunities.
Q3: What do you expect during your MBA? Answer: Do not know what to expect, but I was sure about the rigor, the competition, the big learning, and corporate opportunities.
Q4: How will your work-ex help you stand out? Answer: Thanks to my work-ex my market research would be better, my general communication & soft skills would also give me the edge.
Q5: What are your weaknesses: My Quantitative Aptitude could be better, My design thinking could also be better.”
Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.
Abhaysinh Shirole: “1. Great Growth - In the last 10 years, SIBM Bengaluru has grown tremendously in terms of repute and placement numbers
2. Perfect Batch Strength - A batch strength of just 200 ensured a good student-to-professor ratio.
3. References - My Coaching Institute also advised me to join in after looking at my marks and my profile.”
What was the reason for you not converting to other colleges?
Abhaysinh Shirole: “MICA - Lack of focused preparation. MICA was a different kind of MBA institute and required special preparation that focused more on Creativity.”
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