Shweta Roy is a student at SIBM Bengaluru and is studying MBA. She has appeared for SNAP and scored 92%. Shweta graduated with 68% from St Xaviers College, Kolkata. She shared some of her details regarding admission in this article.
Shweta Roy Profile
- Current institute: SIBM Bengaluru
- Graduation College: St Xaviers College, Kolkata
- SNAP score: 92
- 10th Percentage / GPA: 91
- 12th Percentage / GPA: 92
- Graduation Percentage/GPA: 68
- Work Experience: NA
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Shweta Roy Admission Experience
Did you avail of the benefit of any reservation?
Shweta Roy: “General (No reservation).”
Describe the general setting of WAT / GD (if any)?
Shweta Roy: “The year I took admissions, 2019, the GD-PI-WAT process was held offline. I went to the SIBM-B Campus for the process and gave the written test, followed by the GD and then the Personal Interview.
For the written assessment and the GD, there was a team of 10-12 members. The groups were made by the seniors at the campus. We were directed to rooms with two panelists, who then gave us a case sheet. The sheet started a strategic problem that needed solving. We were given 10 minutes to read the case study. After this, we were asked to pen down whatever we felt was the flow of the events, important viewpoints, and our general conclusion about solving the case.”
What was the WAT / GD Topic?
Shweta Roy: “The topic was a case study about a business (in the automobile industry), trying to manage losses. There were alternate options given to us and we were expected to analyze all and decide a course of action.”
What were your answer/points put forward for the WAT or GD respectively?
Shweta Roy: “I started with an introduction about my understanding of the problem, key characters, and important facts.
In the body of my answer, I noted different alternatives, their pros and cons, and different perspectives.
In the end, I weighed each option and then gave my personal opinions and took a call."
Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.
Shweta Roy: "There were two gentlemen in my panel who took my interview. They were both extremely warm and greeted me with a smile as soon as I entered. One was a resident professor while one was an industry expert and a visiting faculty.
All in all, they asked very simple questions, nothing technical, and they were very welcoming and understanding. Even the answers that I was unable to give, they answered for me and explained it very politely."
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Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them.
Shweta Roy: "Q1. Hi Shweta, tell us something about yourself that we cannot see in your CV
A1. I spoke about my love for reading, my irrational fears, my love for my pet, my childhood role model, and my passionate belief in feminism.
Q2. Tell us about your experience in your under-graduation college.
A2. I spoke about my marks and courses. But more importantly, I spoke about my friends, the culture, the co-curricular activities, the competitions I took part in, the politics, and the fun.
Q3. Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
A3. I spoke about my plan for rural-urban integration. My dream of creating sustainable jobs for women in the rural sector so that there is some sort of bridge between the very rich and the very poor. I said I see myself working jobs and making money. And that I see myself eventually using the money to give shape to my dream of helping people.
Q4. Where are you from? Tell us something about your city.
A4. I spoke about Kolkata. I spoke about how, for its residents, Kolkata will always be Calcutta. The city of culture and heritage. The first capital of India. The city with the oldest football and cricket stadium in the country. The city of trams, roshogulla, and sports. Home to world-cup-winning captains, writer of the national anthem, and the biggest freedom fighters of the country.
Q5. What do you think your two years in this college are going to be like?
A5. I spoke about how it will be the last two years of my student life and I expect it to be nothing short of great. I said that I am a greedy learner and I want all bookish and practical learning I can get. I want to learn things that we only learn outside the classroom. Things like time management, friendship, fending for oneself in a new city, patience, etc."
Mention 3 reasons why you chose this college over other colleges which you converted.
Shweta Roy: "An association with a b-school is always a two-way street. It is important to be accepted by the college, but it is also important to accept the college too. Since the time I walked into the doors of SIBM-B, I felt positive and. at home.
- The whole program was fully student-driven. The whole process was run by students. Everything was smooth and easy-going. I liked how freely I could ask questions and how the doubts were patently cleared by everyone.
- I loved the city and the weather. Bangalore is always brewing with opportunities, for both start-ups and established companies. This is a great incentive for someone who wants to leave their hometown and settle somewhere else eventually.
- The college, in just ten years, was showing exponential growth. The placement records were very impressive, and the faculty was rich in experience."
What was the reason for you not converting other colleges? (if any)
Shweta Roy: “I only applied for two colleges and converted both."
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