Having two years of experience under his belt, Sushant Agarwal has shared his enriching experience of MBA admission. After completing his graduation from KIIT University with 77.9%, he qualified CAT with 95.87 percentile to get admission in IMT Ghaziabad MBA course. 

Sushant Agarwal Profile

  • Current institute: IMT Ghaziabad
  • Graduation College: KIIT UNIVERSITY
  • CAT Score: 95.87%
  • 10th Percentage: 83.6%
  • 12th Percentage: 63.8%
  • Graduation percentage/GPA: 77.9 %
  • Work Experience: Application Development Associate for 2 years at Accenture in Mumbai.

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Sushant Agarwal Admission Experience

  1. Describe the general setting of your personal Interview.

Sushant Agarwal: "It was scheduled in early February in the morning slot and we were given a serial number. I had to wait for around 2 hours for the interview to start. It started around 11:15 and lasted for around 15 minutes. The panel consisted of 1M,1F and they seemed to be faculty and alumni respectively. Although not sure :-) 

So they took interviews one by one. It started with Sir. My Interview started with a small introduction and then there were follow-up questions like why did I leave my job and why I mentioned operations as my intended specialization and then after justification, he asked me 2-3 basic questions regarding operations which I knew and answered confidently.

Then quickly mam took over the interview and she moved on to the part I was never really ready for...Yes, they wanted to ask questions from my engineering subjects, but "Instead of being overconfident I said to her honestly that I am not confident of answering as I have been completely out of touch for the last 3 years nearly as I was in IT workspace"....but still she insisted and tried to make a pressure on me but I again declined her politely which she accepted gladly. Here at this point, I believe she was trying to put some pressure on me but I kept myself calm. At that point, I thought I made a blunder. But we all know it wasn't one, right?

After that, she moved on to my work experience and asked about my achievements which I was proud of during my tenure, and how the job made a difference in me. "They were most probably looking for proper reasoning to leave the job, and not just CAT prep or work pressure".

After that, she asked me to explain my extracurricular achievement in brief. No follow-up questions were asked here.

At last, she asked a few current affairs question

  1. What do you think of the farm bills?
  2. Explain any 3 points in brief from the budget.

She seemed satisfied with the answer and ended the interview and wished me good luck. 

NOW the time for 7 pro tips:

"INTERVIEW is really what the name suggests your Internal View...so introspect a lot while you are preparing for interview"

  1. Your Introduction is a very powerful thing. Give it your best shot and use the points you want them to ask you on.
  1. Be Calm and confident, and never be overconfident. They are way more experienced than us. So never pull such stunts in front of them.
  1. If you don't know something, just accept politely..they might even try to grill you, so at that point remaining calm becomes next to impossible but that is the point of mentioning Tip number 2.
  1. Whenever a question is asked, make sure you clearly understand what they are asking clearly, if in doubt ask. Better than to give a wrong answer. When answering, give a very to the point relevant answer. Do not beat around the bush.
  1. Never badmouth your college, job, boss, anything. It makes an extremely negative perception in the eyes of the Interviewer because they think the student will keep the same attitude in their institution also, which no one wants.
  2. .Do not speak anything for which you do not have justification. Prepare in a way that you can be ready for most of the follow up questions "INTROSPECT A LOT"
  3. Last but not least Keep a Smiling Face. :-)"

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  1. Mention at least 5 interview questions that were asked to you and your responses to each of them. 

Sushant Agarwal: 

"Q1. Please introduce yourself.

A1. I started with my childhood and academic interests and then linked it to graduation and then took forward the activities there to my job and then came on to my future aspirations and then, at last, I discussed my hobbies.

Tip: No matter what, you need some kind of a coherent story that makes it look somewhat interesting because remember this question is asked to 100's of candidates by the same interviewers so it's better to stand out a bit. 

Q2. What is six sigma and what does it have only 6 levels?

A2. Explained the Six Sigma process in brief and said that level 6th is already a pretty high goal for defect rate which organizations try to achieve. 

Tip: Now suppose, you know it in depth then do not keep going on and on. Keep it very relevant.

Q3. Why did you leave your job?

A3. I first explained how my job did a lot of value addition in me and then I said that I realized over time that my job was not aligned well with my future goals and hence I decided to take up CAT and move towards my aspirations and hence I left my job. I expected some follow-up questions on that but there were none.

Tip: Be confident while answering such questions and mention the reasons properly. Your future goals must have links to your job, interest, graduation, or something valuable. Do not speak anything out of the blue.

Q4. What were the best achievements for you in your job?

A4. Talked about my contributions to a project which went extremely well in my job. Explained that it was a major project for the client as it was directly related to billing and had crucial financial implications. 

Also explained how my team had a large number of people and working with them helped me improve my soft skills a lot.

Tip: Your work experience is a very strong pillar, Utilize it to give strength to your profile as well as argument.

Q5. What do you think of the farm bills and explain any 3 points in brief from the budget?

A5. Explained my thoughts on MSP regarding farm bills and explained the 3 points out of which I only remember the healthcare expenditure point being discussed, really unable to remember the other two.

Tip: Be aware of GK throughout the year. I personally followed some UPSC YouTube channels as I usually prefer video content majorly for current affairs. See if it works for you."

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